Isn’t it depressing? This is literally where humanity has come to? Two billionaire tech-bros acting like spoiled children and we, the plebs, cheering like we did for the kings who sent us to slaughter so they could satisfy their ambitions of empire in medieval times.
I'm a long-time proponent of the participants of such matches being handed a single brick before they go into whatever closed room or arena has been agreed upon. Also leave a third brick in the middle of the area. It creates a certain degree of strategy. It also livens up the "just hugging" part of the fight that many UFC or boxing matches kinda devolve into.
Do you throw the brick? Use it to block a thrown brick? Use it add a blunt weapon? Plus you need to get that third brick, but doing so exposes you to getting hit with a brick as you bend down to get it. There's so many choices it's like rock, paper, scissors except it's just brick, brick, brick.
I'm sorry for the level of discourse I'm about to engage in, but Zuckerberg knows Jiujitsu, I think if Musk had any actual training in any skillful way of fighting we would've seen it - the dude probably knows Zuckerberg knows jiujitsu, maybe he was just hoping that he would ignore the challenge? lmao
[Musk] has talked about being in “real hard-core street fights"
dude's gonna break his back if he doesnt back out last minute
Musk has his hair implants and synthol muscles.
But Zuck has the dead eyes and robotic mercilessness of a terminator. And he's been MMA training for years.
Much as I hate Zuck this will serve to humiliate Musk no matter if he commits or backs down. And I'm all about that.
As if these two needed their egos stroked even more. I'll never understand why billionaires need so much attention, and why on earth we give it to them.
It's one of the few things you can't buy outright. And I don't believe you can amass and keep a billion dollars without having some kind of fundamental need that can't be filled, and once they realize that the money isn't doing it, they go for whatever else they can.
This is a good start. Let's have a mandatory tournament for all billionaires. They could have the option of not participating for...let's say 5 billion, which would be distributed to various charities (otherwise poor Buffett would probably die in the ring). Anyone that loses a match has to pay some taxes.