It's complicated. Many ADHD traits are common in normies as well but usually to a lesser extent.
"Haha, we all forget things from time to time, anon"
Yes, well, some of us lose things literally every day, are literally incapable of paying bills on time, regularly don't remember to eat or drink water thoughout the day, etc
(This is a small selection of the many issues ADHDers have)
Another example is this meme itself.
Everyone does some people pleasing here and there yet in my life people pleasing has serious effects on my personal relationships and I'm having to learn to deal with this.
"Mac, it's not that we dont care and dont want to please them, i know. It's that we arent going to please them at the expense of ourself, right?" Yes, brain... 😩
If you feel that ADHD traits are actively having a negative effect on your life and causing you struggles then it might be worth getting checked out.
I said it one and I say it again. I hate being called "funny". I want to be called anything but "funny". Being "funny" to me, is a coping mechanism. I want to be called "dependable", "compentent", "smart", "compassionate", "a good listerer", '"charismatic", "easy going", "creative", "strong", "emapthatic", "loyal", "a good friend", "kind", "iron-willed" or "good company".
I know that I'm "funny", "funny" is all had, have and will ever have in my life and you don't need to remind me of that.
My quest started from being called funny, to growing and learning more about myself in ways that lead to me being called a good number of those other things you mentioned. Even if only once. And I cherished those times dearly.
However, when my mentality breaks down every so often because of depression, like I've been going through lately, I always just go back to "funny" and work my way back up, while reminding myself that I just need to keep putting in a touch of effort to make it back up out of the "funny guy" rut again.
I'm not any sort of specialist on this, and am not saying this is a way that works for everyone though, just sharing my thoughts and experience in the matter as I definitely empathize with your TED talk.
"I miss you! How come you didn't sign up for Trig this semester? I need you back, your jokes kept everyone awake!"
--My highschool math teacher
(I had enough credits and was terrible at math. Coasted my senior year. Now learning it all again because a solid understanding helps in making games and I have big wrinkly adult brain now...but this complement will always be dear to me. I hope she's doing well.)
As a youngling I think I talked a lot, and one of my friends told me I could be annoying. I think the social shock of going from the smallest elementary school in the district to middle school turned me into the quiet kid with some weird mannerisms
Trauma works too. I've got the ADHD but I really think it's the trauma knowledge that makes it. ADHD makes the delivery, truama makes the material. The number of times someone has laughted when I said something that was basically just truth in a flat tone...if they only knew.
You don't ususally get that cool-deadpan-no-filter comedy style without a little trauma on the back end.