Describe a game in 5 words or less, and see if anyone can guess it.
Describe a game in 5 words or less, and see if anyone can guess it.
I'll go first. Deranged Spiderman with guns
PenguinTD Chat disabled for 3 seconds!
2 0 Replykey
Rocket Car Soccer League!
1 0 Reply
Nanaaaaa nanananana na naa na
1 0 Replylividhen
Oh my gosh it's stuck in my head now
1 0 Replydill
1 0 ReplyLumu
You got it!
1 0 Reply
JaneAnger Katamari Damacy?
1 0 ReplyLumu
1 0 Reply
Look, a three headed monkey!
1 0 Reply‘Leigh 🏳️⚧️
The sun blew up. Again.
1 0 Replysharpiemarker Hmm, could it be the Outer Wilds?
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theolodger It’s almost harvesting season
1 0 Replydecavolt
IDDQD1 0 Replydreadedchalupacabra General, another settlement needs help.
1 0 Replysharpiemarker Surely this must be Fallout 4
1 0 Reply
Deestan Your soundcard works perfectly!
1 0 Reply1993_toyota_camry
warcraft 2
lolol. great hint. I read it in that voice
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East, always to the East.
1 0 Replysuper_user_do
Cubic people building
0 0 Replyemptyother
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GaryPonderosa Small ball becomes big ball
0 0 ReplyChailles
Katamari Damacy?
1 0 Reply
tony Rise and shine, Mr. freeman
0 0 Replyloops
The right, man, in the wrong, place, can make all the diff-erence in the wORld.
1 0 Replytony You nailed writing in the style of the G-man ☺️
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Half lifeeeee
1 0 Replytony Bingo. Half-life 2 specifically
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mister Freeman.
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ggleblanc Stones placed on line intersections
0 0 Replytempestuousknave go
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Legal Fantasy Animal fights
0 0 ReplyKrik
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Construction complete. New units awaiting.
0 0 Replyhazelnot I would've guessed Command & Conquer until you said "new units awaiting" lol
0 0 ReplyNightoftheLemmy
C&C, I don't exactly remember the "new units awaiting" phrasing. I do remember the "unit ready!" "new construction options available" "your base is under attack" "unit lost"
0 0 Reply
EremesZorn Cyborg space ninjas. War crimes.
0 0 Replydraggeta Warframe?
1 0 Reply
"Look. A crack."
0 0 Replyemptyother
Nobody's gotten this yet unfortunately. Solution:
Its Prince of Persia The Sands of Time. Princess Farah, who you escort, always find a conventient crack only she can fit through whenever the game needed her gone. This got kind of memed.
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