Thank fuck my stim is "go to a place with no one else, pace back and forth, and talk to myself" and my parents defended me doing it against my sibling's objections. Because literally no one was harmed by me doing it.
I used to get the shit smacked out of me for it, then I started chewing on my knuckles and now I'm 38 with scarred, calloused, ugly hands and I destroy every long sleeve shirt or jacket I own in a matter of months.
We we're born in the wrong century my friend.
In the 16th century simple disease killed you. The oppressers would carve out your eyeballs and chain your feet to the slaves behind you.
In the 24th century, robots have dominated man for centuries, and improve upon their own designs by leaps and bounds. And linux is up to 7% user rate in desktops.
My cousin (3) does this and my grandma just hits him. We all give her crap but she won't listen.
She not educated (like can't read) and thinks she's helping.
Is there a way to help her by guiding her to a more productive path of interacting with him?