Documents and interviews reveal how the now-disgraced political firm targeted potential voters by combining its cache of confidential consumer data with information secretly collected from millions of gun buyers, sporting goods shoppers and others.
While it is humorous that many gun nuts had their data sold and targeted by an algorithm, the real surprised pikachu goes to anyone thinking that this is unique to guns.
When I was young, you wouldn't know if someone had guns unless you went hunting or something. It was kinda taboo to inquire.
This ethic probably originated from the fact that guns have always been a target for thieves. Nowadays, gun bros post their weapons on Facebook so you can see their custom paint job and accessories.
Building a database of gun ownership would be trivial. Even the old timers with their secrets could probably be sorted out from a dozen other personal data points.
Sorry gun owners, your collection is everybody's business, just like a uterus.