Come one come all to the Lemmy-verse! It's nice and cozy here, we do have some "bad parts of town" but you can do an instance block and not deal with them lol
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses extensive censorship. For instance, the Chinese government has censored topics regarding the Cultural Revolution and CCP Chairman Mao Zedong, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, human rights in Tibet, persecution of Uyghurs, and Taiwan independence.
China suffers from the same problem the USSR did. When you have one party rule, it does not matter how democratic the constitution says a country is. If you can only elect people from one party, and the party determines who can run for office, voters can only select from a list of candidates that are aligned with the party and its leader. This effectively transfers power to the party leaders and away from elected officials and the people.
How much do you think you're helping yourself by calling others "little one"? that's the most passive agressive thing I've read all week, and I'm on the internet a lot