Personally, this sounds like that 'socialist pauperism' that Deng Xiaoping criticized. To me, it sounds more like a joke ideology deriving from an aesthetic; not unlike the western perspective on the Soviet Union or the PRC as a static, unchanging entity of grayness.
Thatโs really a question for the people and the material conditions. Do people want to live that way? Or must they live that way because of wartime conditions and/or direly scarce resources?
Historically, some people did lived like that or similar, many religious communes comes to mind, but again the very reason they lived like that is that they were outcasts of the mainstream society, and it was never on any big scale. Marx was right when he criticized that, and it shows intelectual idealism and tendence to oversimplification of its proponents, like the short Procrustes bed of societies.
I believe it is more commonly known as "Obamanism" not "Barak's communism."
But to be serious, it's like others have said here, it's just another form of poverty fetishism that a lot of leftist groups can fall victim to, combined with the ultra-militarisation of society that some groups also fetishise. Any leftist movement that promises worse living conditions for the people is one doomed to fail.