By: Chris Standin President Trump has gone ahead with his long rumoured plans to put a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods sold in the United States (other than energy, which got 10%). He believes he can use brute economic force to make us bend the knee, and possibly even annex us. But he does […]
At the end of the day, Canada is many things. But above all else, we’re a bunch of grudge holding motherfuckers. You’ve taken your shot at us, so now we won’t rest until we get you back.
Think of us like John Wick (starring Keanu Reeves, one of many great Canadian performers we’ve been kind enough to send your way you ungrateful fucks). We didn’t want a fight. But you killed our dog.
We're polite because we have to be. We started inventing war crimes because we heard a rumour that the Germans may have crucified a guy. Our national sport regards fist fights as a reasonable response to minor infractions. If we weren't polite, we wouldn't be able to have a functioning society. It tends to get softies like Trump confused.
Canada is all nice and polite and sweet, unless you’re First Nations native, in which case get the fuck in this residential school and learn to be a Christian you savage!
Absolutely disgusting, and the repercussions are still being felt. The last federally funded residential school closed in 1997. And systemic racism means anyone of FN heritage is often relegated in the public mind to being drunks, drug addicts and leeches on society. But point to any group of people ripped from their family, raped and abused, had their language and culture beaten out of them, for 200 years...and see if they have no difficulty "integrating with society" no drug or alcohol abuse issues, no self hatred.
As an American that lived in Canada for a few years.
Yes. I mean, first of all it was over 200 years ago. And Americans aren't generally great with history. Second, we don't really think about it as Canadians. I was at least taught it was British troops, which is accurate, but I never really made the connection that it was really Canadians until I lived in Canada and a Canadian made the claim.
It's such a shame Canada never saw the need to advance their military technology beyond muskets and smoothbores or they'd be able to do something anyways.
Actually, a bunch of smoothbore cannons would still work, I think.
Not that I’m against this idea, I just don’t think we can appreciate how difficult and time consuming it would be to not give them any money. Like you would be spending so much time researching products and even then you can’t be sure that somewhere in the supply chain isn’t American.
Well, you can always make a point of buying direct from China. That isn't necessarily better, but it does greatly lessen the chances of Americans in the supply chain.
Only disagreement from me (in California, USA) is that I wouldn't diminish the actions of our neighbors to the north by calling them "petty" in this instance. Nothing petty about standing up to a bully in whatever capacity you can. 🫡
Because all these people are grandstanding. Politicians will do what politicians do best : empty words and things will only get worst and people writing these articles will pat themselves on the back and say they did they part.
COVID has shown us that nothing will change short of a bloody revolution.
Nice try, this Québécois appreciate the gesture. Now let me help you: Trump mon ostie de tache de marde va donc jouer sua ligne jaune une petite heure câlisse de Crisse d'imbécile. Pis crisse nous patience tabarnak.