The cost of aluminum for consumers in Europe buying on the physical market has dropped due to expectations that Canadian shipments under U.S. tariffs from Tuesday will be diverted.
The cost of aluminum for consumers in Europe buying on the physical market has dropped due to expectations that Canadian shipments under U.S. tariffs from Tuesday will be diverted, physical market traders said.
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The U.S. is a major importer of aluminum used widely in the transport, packaging and construction industries, shipping in 5.46 million metric tons of aluminum products in 2023, according the U.S. Commerce Department.
According to the Commerce Department, Canada accounted for 3.08 million tons or 56 per centof aluminum product imports to the United States for domestic consumption in 2023, the latest full year data available.
It is things like this that make me worry less about Trumps impact on Canada.
We aren't trading with others because we had a stable trading partner beside us, and other markets would love to have those resources. That partner being unstable now forcing us to diversify our trade is a net positive long term because being that reliant on another country is not sustainable.
Personally I think we should be moving to a more isolated economy with focus on increased production considering global issues and the sheer volume of natural resources Canada has, but diversifying trade is better than nothing and can still lead to a more self reliant Canada.
We also need to beef up our military capacity yesterday, because I doubt Trump stops when economic force doesn't work.
Isolated economies perform worse in the long run, usually by a lot. Fair and open trade is almost always a net benefit for both parties. What Canada needs is a diverse portfolio of trading partners, not 70% of our exports going to the US.
The Liberal party's funding of Export Development Canada is an important cornerstone of this that we should not forget come election season.
Developing more stable trading partners as well. The US is closer, and will always be next door, but I think Trump 2.0 has shown us that we should not integrate our economy with theirs at all, rather just trade with them "opportunistically". Long term partners should be developed elsewhere.
EU (CETA), Asia (CPTPP) and CANZUK need to be focused on.
I am not speaking about going full isolationist. I am saying we need to isolate our economy more than it is, and focus on domestic production and trade over international trade in the current global climate.
Canada is in a unique position because we have so much that we could use domestically to produce our own goods that is currently being shipped to other countries. Domestic trade and production should be the default state only turning to international trade when it offers what cannot be produced domestically or when we have an excess not used domestically.
The article gives the perfect example: Aluminum. We should be producing the things aluminum makes, not selling it to buy back as a products later. Like the fighter jets we still don't have.
We should be one of the richest countries in the world and we aren't because we sell everything, including domestic infrastructure and natural resources, to anyone who will buy them.
We aren’t trading with others because we had a stable trading partner beside us, and other markets would love to have those resources. That partner being unstable now forcing us to diversify our trade is a net positive long term because being that reliant on another country is not sustainable.
Respond to the whole point instead of taking an individual part of a whole sentence out of context in an attempt to sound intelligent.
It’s more than that, it’s exceedingly more easy to trade with a neighbor than across the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.
It is 2025, and we have the technology to move goods easily across oceans to better markets.
I’d love a stronger partnership with Mexico too. Their food is awesome and culturally they’re more interesting than the US. Shame the US is in the way actually.
It's like Soccer. The Brits used to call it soccer, short for Association (football) and only fell out of favour in Britain when they and the Yanks started changing their language usage to be different. Yank's aversion to the letter U in anything, Brits going back to football and a number of other things.