Humble Bundle Choice 2023 for August
Humble Bundle Choice 2023 for August
Humble Bundle Choice 2023 for August
I'm not entirely sure why I keep skipping instead of cancelling at this point.
Great looking bundle. I already own (and love) Disco Elysium. Might get it for Chivalry 2 though
Disco Elysium ruined all the others story driven games for me.
The publishers ruined Disco Elysium for me. I'd buy this solely for it, had they not fucked over the people who spent years building the world. They're never seeing a cent from me.
Too bad Disco Elysium 2 will be a soulless cash grab. It's a bit ironic that the developer ended up getting destroyed by capitalism.
I don't have either of the two big games here, so I'll probably pick this up.
That said, I wish we had more interesting bundles. I'm finding much more interesting stuff on Fanatical than Humble Bundle these days. I just want cool indie games I'd never heard of.
I'd love a bundle for "promising indie devs," i.e. smaller studios with multiple games, and Humble Bundle would pick one from their catalogue. If I really like the game, I'd go buy more from that developer.
This was the biggest gray box I've every had to scroll past on Connect. I thought it was a joke post, but turns out it was a glitch.
Download Sync, it just launched (if you are on Android)!
Skip on the humble bundle that has chivalry 2 and disco elysium on it? It's a fantastic offering.
Think most people that wanted those games have already gotten them and the rest isn't that interesting imo. I would prefer to see more niche indie games.