The day after Donald Trump's inauguration, the mayor of this northeastern blue city defied progressives with a bid to reclaim her streets from hordes of homeless zombified drug addicts.
The "war on drugs" started in 1971 and "get tough on crime" had been an agenda in the USA my whole life and did it work? It didnt. Destroying social safety nets and erroding workers rights have done more to create and maintain the homeless drug addicted population than anything else.
Militarized police and for-profit prison industry have not made our streets safer over the last 50 years, how dumb are people to think "well it hasn't worked yet, let's do it more!"
Well looks like that mayor disagrees with you and chose a different approach. And she's a Democrat. More Democrats will see it and then they'll adapt. So you better prepare for your coming annoyance. The Republicans don't support you. And now more and more Democrats don't either.
Hmmm, if only there were a third-party option. But nah, why change the status quo, right?
Looks like worshiping the duopoly hasn't really worked out for ya'll. Oh well.
For somebody that claims to be a socialist, you seem to have been cheering for the fascists since the election. I'd be super curious to hear your socialist critique of the material conditions of current America.
I'm not cheering for facists; I'm cheering about Democrats' (and Lemmy's) significant losses in the recent election.
My experience prior to the election was crazy—I faced downvotes, jeers, false accusations of being a Russian agent, and was banned from several communities and an entire instance.
Why? Because just a few months ago, merely mentioning support for third parties would get you labeled as a fascist or a Nazi troll.
Ironic because now, dissatisfaction with the Democrats has made third-party discussions far more acceptable. But way different vibe just a few months ago.
My ban stemmed from sharing a Newsweek article about Trump's rising poll numbers before the election, which led to hundreds of comments and DMs accusing both me and Newsweek of lying.
So when Trump won, confirming Newsweek's reporting and vindicating my decision to post it, I laughed for a good 15 minutes at least.
Lemmy had turned into such an echo chamber that dissenting from Democrat adoration wasn't tolerated.
After being banned, I thought about the importance of diversity of opinion—a value that should be upheld on Lemmy but wasn't. In response, I joined other instances, created a few of my own instances under alt names and VPN's (so that I won't be silenced, not to ban-evade and troll), and I decided to share news about Trump amidst a barrage of anti-Trump coverage.
Me posting articles that present alternate viewpoints isn't going to end the world.
So no, I'm not supporting fascists. I'm applauding the breakdown of the Democrat-led groupthink that dominates Lemmy.
For the record, I didn't vote for Trump. I supported the Socialist Workers Party candidate, Rachele Fruit.
I'm still a socialist. It's just now I'm anti-Democrat due to my Lemmy experiences.
By attempting to silence and ban me, Lemmy created my cause. Now, I'm determined to speak out more frequently and more loudly. Under this name and others.
So thanks for trying to silence me, Lemmy. Now I have a cause and won't go away. You all should have just ignored me rather than try to get rid of me. :)