I don’t really know about this stuff, but maybe this is the work of some kind of convolutional neural network. Computerphile on YouTube had a couple of videos about them with Mike Pound. That or this was handmade by someone, but I doubt it.
Convolutional networks are typically used in image processing for object detection or recognition, classification etc. but not for generating images, as far as I know.
He doesn't even get the damned saying right either. He says "Where's your moral bariometer?". The piece of equipment he is attempting to name is a barometer, though most people would say moral compass. Pretty sure he thinks bariometer is another word for compass.
I know it shouldn't matter that much but as an atheist, fuck him.
Is it because he recommended women leave their atheist partners because of a lack of moral barometer? Or saying gay men aren't real men? Or saying real men don't have female friends? Is it because he's a homophobic, misogynist, religious bigot? Or for the Miss Universe fuckup?
I had "while being an adulterous piece of shit" in my comment draft, but when I went to fact check, all I could find was stuff about his wife maybe or maybe not cheating on him. Those Google results are skewed...