While others have pointed out it definitely can it also contains lecithin so it can technically create emulsions like mayonnaise and hollandaise
Eggs contain far more so I don’t know how well this would work but it should? It also contains albumin and globulins but in the white, which is traditionally not used for these. However they can further stabilize the emulsion. But blood also as fibrinogen which is part of what makes it gel when heated as part of coagulation and this would impact texture
Essentially like:
1 part blood
3-4 parts neutral oil
Tsp vinegar or lemon juice
Tsp Dijon
Season to taste
Prepare the same as mayo
You could also boost lecithin content with additional lecithin from soy or sunflowers but that’s kind of against the spirit
I personally am vegan but find the food science of this interesting. I think eating animals is cruel but at the same time I would be interested to know if this actually could work or if you ended up with blood vinaigrette.
If you are really really curious, you can find a phlebotomist that is game and use your own blood. This is the most ethical way to get some cooking blood and it can be done. (For proof see article)
I mean you can, but your cake won't rise. You should go review a quiche recipe online with "no stars. Made exactly according to directions except substituted 65g of blood for each egg. Terrible recipe, was awful "
I mean, bright colors make things more cheerful, and red has more positive than negative symbolism attached to it. If you put a small amount of blood, you can have pink cookies, isn't that lovely?
Elaborate on “milk is just filtered blood”, because the breast is not a kidney. This doesn’t jive with what I’ve learned about physiology. Lactocytes synthesize milk proteins such as lactalbumin and casein, they aren’t filtered out of the bloodstream.
I’d argue eggs aren’t chicken periods either, it’s not their endometrial lining.
“Substitute X for Y” meaning removing Y and adding X is super weird to me. I always have to use a conscious effort not to interpret that as removing X and adding Y.
Or instead there are also some good vegan eggs out there to give a try
If you want something that cooks and bakes like eggs there's stuff you can by like Just Egg
For baking there's a million things you can use that are pretty cheap. For instance, Aquafaba is the leftover water from cooking chickpeas or the water in the can if you buy it canned. Acts like egg whites and can be used as a binder for baking