"Via Greenland" makes no sense. The trouble with Canada-Europe trade is that Canada unfortunately lacks a good port on its east coast (certainly nothing comparable to Vancouver in the west). For the foreseeable future, if the trade dispute with the US drags on, Canada's best bet is to expand its trade with Asia.
I seem to remember that what the EU did to good effect last time this asshat was president was to place extremely directed tariffs/taxes on specific goods from Trump-friendly areas. Essentially saying "we're going to toll oranges from this specific county in that specific swing state in order to drive a couple specific producers out of business", and then did that across the country. The advantage being that WTO agreements allow you to answer tariffs dollar-for-dollar, so you can respond to wide-reaching tolls that amount to X USD (e.g. tolls on the entire European aluminium industry) with extremely hard-hitting tolls on very specific producers.
We should be doing that again. Don't touch the wider American population, but put all our weight into hitting hard against cornerstone businesses in pro-trump counties. Make them regret voting this guy in thinking it would better their economy.
I must admit that I'm curious if there are any goods from Canada that USA depends on. It could be hilarious if Canada chose to tax EXPORTS of such goods. Increasing US prices even more. Problem is I don't think there is much to do that on if any at all.
But an American lumber crisis like 2021 caused by Canadian export taxes undermining the entire US real estate market could be fun. 😋
Maybe Canada could tax oils exports, as USA despite being the biggest producer in the world, is still dependent on huge oil Imports.
Tarrifs are simple, easy, and can be implemented immediately by the Prime Minister alone. All the other things listed in that comment are fine ideas, but require parliment pass laws, which is going to take time since we're approaching an election. I don't think it's appropriate to wait months before even starting the debate in parliment about what we should do.
There's also no guarantee any of those ideas would even pass into law. I doubt many politicians are keen on tearing up patent and copyright protection so Canadian companies can rip off American innovations.
I doubt it would ever happen, but they could redistribute the money from those tariffs back to citizens. It would be a net positive for people who choose to get goods made locally or imported from friendly nations.
Woah man, slow up with all the downvotes. This is a suggestion to think strategically instead of doing a reactionary show to "look strong". The reactionary show will fuck up small business and the majority of Canadians. Well thought out tariffs and other targeted measures will be more effective.