There is no pro-capitalist Left. That's a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."
They aren't. Right wing is oriented to tradition and hierarchy while left wing is oriented to progress and equality. This has been understood since the concept originated during the French Revolution.
I can't see how the left wing being oriented to progress and equality would mean that capitalism and oligarchy would fit that. Could you explain your thinking?
Capitalism and oligarchy would be a shitton of progress for religious autocracies, covert monarchies, unapologetic monarchies and dictatorships. Those dozens of counterexamples countries for which they'd mean a regress are statistical outliers and shouldn't be counted.
Sure, I'll agree with that. Liberalism, despite being fundamentally right wing, is definitely not the furthest right economic system or social philosophy. The only thing about it is that many of those countries existing in that state (or were made into countries at all) exist in the context of global white supremacist capitalist hegemony (AKA "The West" or "The Global North") and would not exist in their current forms without the West installing figureheads and funding conflicts to loot their natural resources, so I would argue that many of these neo-colonies are still capitalist without any of the benefits of hosting the capitalists.
For example, whatever government existed in India under the British Mandate, they existed in a Capitalist system which exclusively benefitted the British. Millions died of famine not because of India, but because of Britain.
Many, but not all. There are authoritarian states and dictatorships on both ends of the colonialism export/import spectrum, small and large. But yeah, for a while "The West" has been... expansive.