True, 1/10/2016...
While we're on the topic:
Prince: 4/21/2016
Michael Jackson: 6/25/2009
20 0 ReplyMichael Jackson never felt real so his death didn't change anything for me, and he was no Bowie
13 1 ReplyI see, another moon walk denier.
23 0 Reply
Both of them are idols for me: they were enigmatic musicians who defined themselves and loved by the world for doing it. They bucked against fashion trends. They spoke openly about their views.
I did drag for the first time that year because I didn’t want to be on my deathbed with regrets for not doing it. We raised money for kids with HIV. It was super fun.
I miss both of them.
9 0 ReplyPrince died?!
3 0 ReplyAlmost 10 years ago... Get this... after he died they found this METICULOUS collection of unreleased music literally locked in a vault. All marked and labelled, just... never released.
Estimated at 100 albums worth or 8,000 songs:
5 0 Reply
And after he died the wold went to shit. Think about it.
19 0 ReplyPretty sure the world was going to shit while he was still alive.
9 0 ReplyHe might have been cool but he was far from a good person.
One thing I give him is that he was on point with "I'm afraid of Americans."
3 3 Replywho said anything about him being a good person?
2 0 Replyok but he was nowhere as horrible of a person as you
2 4 Reply
That seems like too long; I feel like I’d like to see him back again.
12 0 ReplyLemmy from Motorhead died around the same time. I know bc my BFF died around then too.
10 0 ReplyI'm sorry you lost a friend, life is hard
8 0 ReplyI still listen to "God was never on your side" pretty regularly. Really vibes with me.
2 0 Reply
Don't remind me. I'm in a foul mood already.
10 0 ReplyIt's the best selling shooooow Is there life on Maaaarrraarss
7 0 Reply
Why are his pupils different?
8 0 ReplyHe got punched pretty hard once, if I remember correctly. Went pretty well, got a killer look out of it.
12 0 ReplyCertainly unique!
2 0 Reply
1 5 ReplyAnisocoria. His irises are the same colour but one is always dilated, making it appear darker.
24 0 ReplyDoesn’t that mean different color eyes? Not pupil size?
3 0 Reply
...all the shit going on, and you gotta hit us with this? Chill choom...chill
5 0 ReplyI loved the picture of him and Tilda Swinton doing drag impersonations of each other
5 0 ReplyStop the earth I want to get off. 2016 was almost a decade ago??? 😭
Also wtf is going on with his eyes here? Is he concussed?
3 0 ReplyHe's always had that awesome looking eye.
4 0 Reply
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