The majority of people playing don't know the difference. I am shocked there won't be a 60fps mode, i can't remember the last time I've been forced to play at 30fps outside of playing older games locked to it.
It's not shocking, when you consider the level of graphical fidelity they'll be pushing on screen.
The more detail you add, the lower the framerate, on any given hardware. They will be balancing "oh my God!" level graphics, with playable frame rates. The fact they're shooting for such a relatively low frame rate, shows how hard they're pushing the hardware.
For most people the further they sit away from a screen the less they are going to notice it. And console gamers play on a tv from the couch. Of course if you show them a 60fps version after they played in 30fps they will notice but most people don’t understand why that is and thus not care. Like how many people watch movies with motion smoothing on since they don’t see that it looks smoother than the movies in the cinema.
Rockstar can get away with this since the vast majority of GTA player will be mainstream casual gamers that only have fifa/madden and CoD in their gaming collection.
Yes, 30fps is fine, and expected even if you're also expecting ultra realistic graphics. This expectation that people have of games being 60 fps and being stupid realistic is nonsense. You want realistic graphics and reflections when a game is first released, your gonna get 30 fps. And honestly, you can hardly tell the difference anyway.
Edit: Always expect the downvotes when I say this. The people in gaming subs, almost never understand how games are developed. Just demand without understanding the limitations of hardware and software.
It's a number that divides easily into 120, which mattered more for old TVs, and it's far enough over the threshold to trick our minds into seeing a bunch of still frames as a moving thing.
It is priced at 60 to 70 dollars (fuck that still hurts)
It has a solid OFFLINE story mode.
If they try pull 100 dollar bullshit or fill it with micro transactions then I am out. Also I will not pre order this game (I didn't with 5) I will wait until its out and I hear good things from the players.
Just like I did with 5. Had coworker who was bragging about the game every day. Finally and picked up a copy at Vintage Stock. This is the original PS3 version only one I have.
I think it will be 80 dollars, with bigger editions available, eg. including online mode. For me, the 30fps is the most annoying, I was never a performance fanatic, but I’m used to 60 now.
If the biggest game of the decade charges $100, every triple A game will charge the same, and other games will probably be more expensive as well, and in most cases it'll be more money for the same steadily decreasing quality, at least in the triple A market.
The only full price game I recall ever buying was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (back when £35 was the standard "full price" price point). Now that one was worth it, but no other AAA game that I can think of has justified the cost to me. Once we're talking about that amount of money there's a lot of other things I would get more enjoyment from.
I think I paid about £10 for GTA V. I'd maybe go to £15 or £20 these days, but beyond that I simply have other things I could play.
Exactly. $100 is a lot of money, however games are cheaper than ever these days (adjusted for inflation) and $100 for no micro transactions sounds fair.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t buy it at that price either. I‘d wait for a sale…
I grew up breaking games to make them run under minimum settings. Subnautica has (or at least had) a Dev menu or some shit that you could make the game look like utter arse.
Got me like 18fps at 480p, worth it #playable for younger me.
If I get under 100fps at 4k now I'm unhappy. How times change.
Yeah I have, for a looong while. I understand a stable framerate is much better than a "high" one, but like, were not talking about a "Low-end" PC here, we're talking about the current, still marketed generation here.
How come 30's still the target when all the marketing is talking about how powerful it is and how amazing the upscaling is? And it's a fixed target on top of all that, like common man
Remember, they released GTAV with 30FPS first to PS5 , then they sold an upgraded PS5 version @60FPS for an additional $10 (which is free on most games).
This is false information. GTA V was backwards compatible from the ps4 version which ran at 30fps. Then they released an upgraded ps5 version that ran at 60fps.
It wasnt a bad deal either.
Yeah but they still charged for the "upgrade". A lot of gaming companies give you the PS5 version of a game for free if you already own the PS4 version.
I hope they release as independent games, with a bundle deal ideally.
I dont want to buy the multiplayer on console because i dont pay for console subscriptions just to play multiplayer.
I will wait for a PC release to play purchase multiplayer once and not indefinitely pay for it.
I have to assume they're targeting 30fps because that would be using all the bells and whistles like raytracing and running at 4k on the consoles; which are unlikely to be able to achieve 60fps or higher with all that shit on.
And, as they have done with literally every single GTA since 3: It likely won't release on PC at the same time. It will come 1-2 full years later and when it does, will have more features and run at a higher frame rate.
I feel like im the only person in the world who isnt excited for this game. I dont care for GTA, they just feel super clunky and sloppy to play. (I know, no one asked.)
You're not the only one, friend. The only thing I care about is what sort of pricing hijinks they get up to, which could have industry-wide consequences.
I played GTA IV mostly because the mechanics were fucking awesome. The driving was incredible for an open world game like that. Euphoria was dope.
The first seconds of the GTA V gameplay trailers hinted that they neutered the driving. Then they announced the driving was ported from a Midnight Club game and that was the last nail in the coffin for me.
Tried the game once at a friend's house and the gameplay feel was so shit I never played it again. I knew I'd always be distracted by it.
We'll get 60 and above on pc a while later anyway. Also the sold separately thing is probably just like they did with RDR2 where you could get everything or just the multiplayer part of the game, which I personally think is fine.