Yeah, i don't shame setups but I'll make an exception for an exceptional specimen. I'd shame that punk for breathin' wrong. Example: He's definitely using more a' my air than i'd like. I don't hold much hope but i do hold some; that i live to see him get all he deserves.
Wow. This is just about the most pitiful criticism of the man I've seen yet. iS ThIs a pSyOp mEaNt tO MaKe mUsK HaTeRs lOoK BaD - levels of petty. Mostly just makes me feel bad for the average streamer; The candle thing was almost creepy enough on its own to take the other "issues" listed at face value though.
This is a stupid article. Fuck Elon, but I mean who cares how he streams? He's streaming like that exactly because he's rich and doesn't need to give a shit. I find it funny how every suggestion is like "he should have paid someone to do it for him", maybe he wants to do it himself? This is entertainment for him.
Sure, he has zero taste or knowledge of streaming/proper gaming setups, but he doesn't care and neither should you.
I completely agree there are more important things to hate about this manchild. Having said that this really does help deconstruct that he is some great gamer or has any decent taste.
I do agree that some of the complaints were rather overdone, such as his headset. But the giant gaming candle with its own assistant warrants the general disgust.
He is the richest person on the planet and currently dicking around in the US government's department of the treasury as an unelected, regular citizen with no repercussions or consequences.
We are long past the man being a nobody.
Also, his gaming candle is stupid and he deserves the mockery.
because you make fun of one thing you don't like, does that somehow mean you do not like them for only that? Does it mean you think that is the biggest reason to not like them?
Don't get fooled, trying to look "cool" is part of his pr campaign. Their favorite game they spend all day playing is hoarding money and power off people.
You would certainly not be happy with my gaming setup.
I have an apple Membrane keyboard because I’ve played way too long on old laptops and I got so used to them that I don’t like any others.
Then I have a 10+ year old mouse that’s just perfect for my hands, I don’t get cramps.
And than I have a MacBook Air that is connected to the PC via Ethernet and steam link streams the game.
I have one of the Samsung 49 inch super ultra wides. Not having a center aligned taskbar on this thing is atrocious. But on a normal 16:9 screen I prefer it on the left. Not sure where I'd like it on the screen he's using.