That often works, when worded more positively. You will get an expedited hiring process, because the company doesn't want to lose out to another company hiring you first.
Follows the "have a pic of you and a hot ex" rule when hitting up the dating scene. Anything you can do to make someone think "oh they must have something cool about them if the smoke show was hooking up with them."
Of course you need money, the interviewer knows that and isn't asking about it.
They are asking why would you choose to work for this company over another. Imagine you got 3 job offers, and all are offering the same salary. You'd have to choose one offer to accept, and the interviewer wants to know why his company is the one you'd choose, because they'd prefer someone who is interested. What caught your eye about this job posting?
Source: Am the interviewer. Of course I wouldn't word it like in the meme.
Imagine you got 3 job offers ... the interviewer wants to know why his company is the one you’d choose
Because you expressed interest in hiring me? And I need a job? So I'm here? I'd also be perfectly content picking the other 2 companies if it's the same salary.
What caught your eye about this job posting?
The fact that you guys said you were hiring?
they’d prefer someone who is interested
I guess this is the real problem. I don't care about your company. I'm here to exchange my time for money. I have my own interests and they don't involve working at your company.
But, yes fine. I understand this is the game I have to play. I will lie to you and tell you that it's been my dream since I was a little kid to work at your dumb company, selling shit that no one needs or tricking people into giving you money.
One company that asked me this made... let's say IoT flower pots (something mundane like that)... I guess I'm supposed to say: OMG! I. LOVE. CONNECTED. FLOWER. POTS! How did humanity survive without internet connected flower pots??! My sole purpose in life is to help make IoT flower pots. Please allow me to join you guys! 🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
Is it not possible to have something like this?
Job: We need someone who can build IoT flower pots.
To be fair: A lot of people don't hate their jobs. Of course, if someone asked me the question in the panel, I'd think they were over-doing it, but it's a completely fair question to ask someone why they think this job could be something they enjoy.
Specifically, employees that enjoy their work are less likely to leave the company at the first opportunity. Hiring people costs money, so it makes sense to choose a candidate that is at least to some degree passionate about what they'll be doing.
There was this guy on COD warzone who was a certified propane inspector and was a blast to play with, people would spend the whole game learning about how everything propane related was or not up to code
So yeah, there are people who love their job, enough for that to seep into videogames
There's a simple solution to everyone loving their job:
Work should be optional.
You don't see retirees volunteering for tasks they hate. Inb4 scrubbing toilets; I'd prefer to design toilet-scrubbing machines instead of toys for rich people.