I remember even as a kid hearing about all the backlash from restaurants about smoking bans. How they'd have no customers, etc. And none of that happened. It's the first time I realized that a lot of business owners are idiots, that having a seemingly successful business doesn't even require understanding the business or customers.
I can at least understand why a pub owner would be concerned - smoking and drinking often go hand-in-hand. I can see why they thought people would be less likely to stay and drink if they had to leave to smoke. But restaurants got no such sympathy from me, keep your nastyass smoke away from my food
This brings back the stale cigarette smell of my dad's old car. The window next to where I sat was broken, and had been for as far back as I can remember. There was truly no escape.
Good news is, he quit smoking last year, after nearly 60 years of his pack-a-day habit. Considering that I never thought I'd see this day, I'm really proud of him.
I remember boarding a short regional flight in northern Ontario in the mid 80s. We were placed in a non-smoking section, while the row behind us was smoking. I remember seeing those little ashtray drawers on every seat and every single one no matter smoking or non smoking had cigarette butts and ash in them.
And wherever you walked, malls, stores, grocery stores, banks, schools, hospitals, banquets, dinners, gatherings ... everywhere, anywhere ... someone or a few people were smoking.
People were considered weird or rude or just plain stupid if they asked someone not to smoke in public.
When I was a kid I was in the school band, and for one or two of our performances at Christmas we actually had to go out of our way to ask the people we were playing for not to smoke during the performances.
AND WE WERE SECONDARY SCHOOL KIDS!!! (11 - 16) I mean for the love of god we were children, and musicians at that, and still adults thought it was fine to smoke in front of us., in enclosed rooms.
I remember being in high school in the early 90s and a friend of mine and I snuck into one of the local bars one Friday night.
It was far scarier than wandering into Mordor. There was so much noise you couldn't hear anyone ... which always confused me because people were having conversations with one another. Dark and dim because the walls were black, the floor was black with dirt and beer, the ceiling was black and the furniture was black. The only light you could see was the bar and the band playing loud shitty music.
And smoke, so much smoke that you could swear the place was on fire. So much smoke you got high on the smoke in the air. Smoke so thick you couldn't see ten feet in front of you. And in the smoke you saw ghouls, goblins, orks, giants, witches and warlocks speaking in weird tongues you couldn't understand. The only way to survive in there was to be drunk out of your mind.
I grew up in a home with heavy smokers, so I really had no chance at all as a kid. I have childhood memories of being in a smoke filled car with windows rolled up. Didn't even have to crack the windows because there were ashtrays built into the cars of that era. And then if the windows were open or cracked, there was another danger. I lost count of how many times I had ashes fly back into the back of the car directly into my eyes and mouth, or the lovely feeling of a burning "cherry" searing into my forehead.
Oh wow you just awakened a memory in me. I also recall going off coca cola for a while, because my uncle kept putting his ashes into one when he couldn't find a tray. Takes a while to forget that taste.
I remember traveling a lot as a kid, and hearing mother say "No smoking, please" and being upset when they'd place you right next to the smoking section. It usually meant we'd leave instead as my mother is allergic and me and twin don't do well with it. (She could handle a meal, more so if she wasn't the one smoking which...she wouldn't be)
One time we had to ask the neighbors to drive us home. They did, very kind of them! They smoked the entire time. With the windows rolled down. Very kind of them.
I miss the smoke we had when we went to indoor weddings. As a kid, the smoke would be this high cloud just out of reach, obscuring the other end of the room where the adults were talking. The tables with the thickest smoke were where the men sat in intellectual poses, discussing heavily politics. It gave an air of grandeur to it, and when the disco lights would turn, they'd light up the smoke clouds to give off a pink/red thunder vibe.
Yeah sure, we have smoke machines now, but it typically hugs your knees and doesn't rise much, giving off a different look. It also doesn't seem much fun for kids, who I guess just see it as eye-level fog.
That does sound sweet, and nice, but as someone who attended and still attends indoor weddings with a heart condition and occasional breathing issues...........
You see where I am going about not missing it at all, right?
I like how people reminisce about the time they could smoke in pubs, and in restaurants, and clubs, and so on, but as someone who has had major health conditions their entire life and avoided pubs and clubs for that reason and sometimes had to leave restaurants because of it...........
When I moved to Tennesse from Virginia, it was still legal to smoke on restaurants in VA. The day we moved we got into town after most places were closed, and we were starved, so stopped at a waffle house. Lit up a cigarette at the table and the waitress freaked the fuck out. Lol. Waffle house and smoking are so intrinsically linked my head that now, years after quitting, I still crave cigarettes whenever I see that fucking sign, and I genuinely almost never crave cigarettes. They stink and I don't miss them. But it was just... The place you smoked and ate hash browns. I can go to bars without associating them with cigs as much as I do waffle house.
A group of us teenagers would go to a local diner similar to a Waffle House and sit, drink endless coffee, and smoke. We were there at least one night each week.
We made sure to be there when the ban finally went into place in my state. At midnight exactly, one of the waitresses came over, said put them all out. We did and she left with the ashtray.
When I smoked, I used to have a collection of ash trays from restaurants, and even a metal one with a tree for holding the cigarettes that came from a hospital. When I found out TN didn't allow smoking in restaurants I started asking all the restaurants I went to if they had any left and if I could have them