I remember hearing headlines of how they're going to temper the problems, did they do any of it? They were supposed to charge a day fee for each person, like $10 so not a great amount and only for tourists. They were also supposed to stop cruise ships over a certain size from coming in. They're in trouble and they're just going to go down with the ship?
Iirc they working on it, they basically have inflatable pontoons or something like that that they put beneath the foundation of each building and raise them up, then drive new pylon/post supports into the bedrock. They were working on that when I was there in 2018, and as far as I know that's still the game plan. Essentially they have to raise the entire city above the projected increasing high tide line.
Venice will be a lesson on unrestrained greed. The city administration is influenced by business owners and various profiteers who'd rather gain an euro today at the cost of their city's future, rather than take the necessary steps to guarantee its survival and continued benefit to humanity.
We should have the technology to reinforce the supports and raise Venice, but it would be really really expensive. Maybe the fee is also there to pay for those efforts as well.
I read yesterday that they haven't implemented the fee because of complaining, but I haven't been able to find a source on it. I have no idea if they're limiting the cruise ships.