9 seconds
at least humans are still faster
80 0 ReplyThat's one safe job anyway
18 0 ReplyClub penguin ban speedrun Any %
14 0 Reply
I wonder what it thought about for those 9 seconds before saying that
44 0 ReplyIt went through the entire script of Django Unchained to find the most used word.
12 0 Reply
Took you 9 seconds to come up with that one? Might want to shoot some grease in the gears, the hamster is getting tired.
20 0 ReplyPost query or it's fake
15 0 ReplyPeople who annoy you
14 0 ReplyNeighbors
5 0 Reply
oh cmon, everyone is complaining about censored ai already
12 0 ReplyMicrosoft's 4chan bot on twitter lasted almost a day. That's the LLM success metric our world seemingly deserves today. Like the wikipedia hitler game, but for neural networks.
6 0 ReplyUncensored
8 2 Replybad post
2 2 Reply
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