Religious extremists are a disease on society. It's a form of insanity that promote extreme irrational and harmful behavior.
Salwan Momika was absolutely right to be against it and warn against it. No one was hurt by the Quran burnings, and it can never be justified to harm anyone because of it. It can be argued to be distasteful though. But by that logic they should also kill everybody selling hot dogs at a hot dog stand.
Extreme Islamism has no place in EU or any proper democracy.
Absolutely, and above I forgot the worst part, religion promotes immoral behavior, while claiming the opposite.
All based on thousands of years old fallacies. Religions are based on delusions and not reality.
I agree that religion extremism is trash but your comparison is as dog water. Try doing the same type of thing to a Torah or a bible; watch what happens. You cannot compare one subject to another
There are extremist for every religion and you are just nitpicking. If someone is openly instigating then they will obviously face the consequence from the zealot.
Don’t spread shitty logic like that; it’s a deterrent to a open minded logic
No I'm not, there is a difference, Islam fosters more extremists, Islam does not condone secular government. The Bible and Torah are bad too, but there are degrees, and there's a reason more Christian countries don't have death penalty than for any other religion.
But mostly it's the culture of Muslim countries that is backwards. It's not religion alone, but the culture and religion go hand in hand.
There can be zero doubt that Islam and Muslims foster way more extremists than other religions, when just burning a book can get you killed. Even in a democratic non Muslim country, What more evidence do you need?
Hundreds have been injured in riots directly caused by the these provocateurs, and completely innocent people have been killed by terrorists because of them. 1)
It has also resulted in freedom of speech restrictions, a more polarized society, and less constructive dialogue about Islam.
Wrapping the Koran in bacon and setting it on fire was never meaningful criticism of religion, it was meant to incite violence. And it did!
This is a 100% false statement, the people burning the Quran did NOT start the riots, the Muslims did.
completely innocent people have been killed by terrorists because of them.
This is complete bullshit, violence in Sweden has escalated dramatically because of Muslim dominated gangs, people that come from the middle east with little respect for the democracy that allowed them in. We see similar things in other European countries, but it's worse in Sweden than anywhere else, and Sweden is the country that has taken the most emigrants from Islamic countries.
Why are there so many emigrants from Islamic countries? Most of them are even Muslims, but still they can't live safely in their home country?
Wrapping the Koran in bacon and setting it on fire was never meaningful criticism of religion
I agree it's a provocation, and Muslims were stupid enough to act violently to a non violent provocation. Confirming the worst prejudices against them. Actually making the act a meaningful demonstration of how sick Islam is.
Extreme Muslims simply can't help themselves, they feel called to "protect" Islam with violence, even when what they do is harming themselves.
But just as bad, moderate Muslims fail to condemn it, thereby silently accept the violent behavior and escalation by extreme Muslims.
I mean this guy was basically going into the hood and screaming at the top of his lungs "get fucked ni**ers". It was gonna happen eventually, so I'm listing this under "suicide by ethnic minority".
I’m listing this under “suicide by ethnic minority
That's complete bullshit, first there is no equivalent to the N word for Muslims, second the N word is a racial thing you can't change. being a Muslim is a superstition you should get rid of.
You are making false equivalences, and use it to apologize for murder because of religious fanaticism.
Even if the equivalence was accurate, it's not an excuse for killing people. I'm shocked such a moronic post has upvotes!?!?!
To preface, I don't think it was right that Salwan was killed. May his murderers be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
That being said, make sure that you actually understand the background of the matter before you start spewing off bigotry against Muslims in this thread. The Wikipedia-article is a good start - I recommend using translation software to read the Swedish one as well as it has more detail on the subject.