And so then I say, “Well, that’s not completely the point. There is almost no big organization you interact with that doesn’t have at least some part of it devoted to some monstrous crime. Your phone is made with slave labor, the people who grow your chocolate have never eaten chocolate, your soda is made in factories where villages used to be before armed goons evicted the former residents and killed anyone who wouldn’t leave. If 0.01% of Google’s operation is helping genocide then they’re actually ahead of the curve, because the whole modern world is evil in specific parts of it.”
And then the guy with the sign starts screaming “Yes that is EXACTLY THE POINT!”
this account is on fediverse! with all the discussion in some circles about banning twitter links, let’s also positively encourage linking to users not on corporate platforms:
According to intelligence sources, Habsora generates, among other things, automatic recommendations for attacking private residences where people suspected of being Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives live. Israel then carries out large-scale assassination operations through the heavy shelling of these residential homes.
For example, sources explained that the Lavender machine sometimes mistakenly flagged individuals who had communication patterns similar to known Hamas or PIJ operatives — including police and civil defense workers, militants’ relatives, residents who happened to have a name and nickname identical to that of an operative, and Gazans who used a device that once belonged to a Hamas operative
AI system known as “Where’s Daddy?” tracked Palestinians on the kill list and was purposely designed to help Israel target individuals when they were at home at night with their families. The targeting systems, combined with an “extremely permissive” bombing policy in the Israeli military, led to “entire Palestinian families being wiped out inside their houses,” says Yuval Abraham, an Israeli journalist who broke the story after speaking with members of the Israeli military who were “shocked by committing atrocities.”