Yes these. Essentially anything that an unidentified user could push data to that would land me in regulatory trouble. I would want to host these things, but I don't want to become a distributor of anything that would get me a search warrant.
Lemmy instance for me as well. I have a specific community I miss from reddit that I want to replicate, I even have a domain sitting around that'd be good...I just don't want to store data coming from complete strangers. I also have zero interest in any sort of admin/moderating. So I'll just go without it and get over it lol
I figured email would be a common theme. I’m just starting to dip my toes into all of this, so an email server is not on my to-do list (and may never be).
Google and other large scale providers have intentionally made it very difficult to self host your own email. It’s generally not considered a wise move these days and is very difficult to maintain.
I have an email server but it is not my main email account. I'm purely only using it to learn and to have email notifications sent out from a few services. I do not trust myself or my setup enough to have my main email account hosted on it
I did host my email, but the problem wasn't the spam but the bigger email providers. Best case was my mail was marked as spam. Worst case was that I was blocked until I jumped through hoops. Email hosting is unfortunately broken.
Gladly, fail2ban exists. :) Note that it's not just smtp anyway. Anything on port 22 (ssh) or 80/443 (http/https) get constantly tested as well. I've actually set up fail2ban rules to ban anyone who is querying / on my webserver, it catches of lot of those pests.
Me too, I'll never self host my email server.
Too much time that I don't have to set it up correctly, manage the antispam and other thing that I don't even know .
And if it goes down and I don't have time to look into it (which would be the case 95% of the time 🙈), I'll be without email for I don't know how long.
I've been self-hosting a personal email server for about half a year now, and it was definitely challenging! But it also tought me quite a bit about how the system works, so I think it was worth it. There are solutions for everything, but you definitely need some time and patience.
I told my wife when I die, she's just going to have to throw it all away and start over.
We have separate email accounts and she knows how to get into my Keepass, so she should be able to get into whatever she needs to. I now have a daughter who is becoming interested in how these things work, so I'm hoping to slowly start training/handing off to her.
Smart move, unless you really know what you're doing and have redundancy. When I first made the switch from Lastpass to Bitwarden I had tried to host the vault myself instead of using the cloud version, which worked fine right up until the moment I had a server outage and lost access to all my passwords.
I've managed to keep my KeePass database for almost 20 years going back as far as when I was a dumb teenager. Back then it was as simple as having a couple extra copies on usb drives and Google Drive, but now I keep proper backups.
My take is, I'd rather control it myself, I am responsible enough to take care of my data, and I actually wouldn't trust someone else to do it. That's a huge reason I selfhost in the first place, a lack of trust in others' services. Also, online services are a bigger target because of the number of customers, and maybe even the importance of some of their customers, whereas I'm not a target at all. No one is going to go after me specifically.
Oh man, that's actually really good advice! I recently switched to Vaultwarden, but you're right: If my server goes down, I can't even restart it, because the password for my account is in there! Damn! Close call!
Well with bitwarden/vaultwarden you can have a copy of your entire vault on your phone or computer or both... so even if your server was totally dead, you'd have access to your passwords. Solid backups is a must, I follow the 3-2-1 rule on super critical systems (like vaultwarden) and test that you can actually recover. Something as simple as spinning up a VPS, testing a restore, testing access, see if that could work in a pinch until you get your server back online, then tear it down. Linode is very cheap for this kind of testing, it'd only cost you a few pennies to run a "dr" test of your critical systems. Of course you still want to secure it, I'd recommend wireguard or tailscale instead of opening access to your DR node to the internet, but as a temporary test it's probably fine if your running patched up to date versions of docker, vaultwarden, and I'd always recommend putting a reverse proxy in front like nginx.
I still don't get why people want to have cloud-based password managers. Keepass works in all major platforms, it's just one file, which it is super easy to sync and/or merge. It can integrate with your browser/Os if you want, but otherwise the surface attack is basically zero.
Second. I used to self-host Bitwarden. Then I realized it'd be too devistating to lose all my passwords, even with backups. So I moved to their cloud service and paid for my families accounts too.
Joplin tho, Joplin stays on the server with no backup. I should really, really make a backup this weekend.
I am hosting bitwarden myself (on a VPS) and I am not that concered about losing my passwords, because every device syncs all passwords locally regulary so that you don't need internet to access them.
So to loose all your passwords not only do you have to loose your bitwarden server and all the backups, you also have to loose access to all your bitwarden clients synchroniously.
Because passwords are so critical I'd never give that to a third party.
Stuff like bitwarden is needlessly complicated, though - I nowadays have a vaultwarden instance for friends and family, but everything important is done via pass - which only needs a git server, which I have anyway.
I really want to use Bitwarden and I pay for the premium as well, but it's starting to bother me that a lot of basic stuff is missing despite years of user requests.
An Auto-fill UI for the web interface
Credit card auto-fill
A way to refresh from the auto-fill menu on the Android UI
I just tried Proton Pass (I have unlimited anyway) and it's not better, but at least they seem to be working on these.
Bitwarden actually. I was really split on this but ultimately I trust Bitwarden, the company, to run a secure server than myself.
Who has time to track CVE's and react to them in a timely manner? I don't. If something happened, I probably don't have the infrastructure or know-how to even realize I had been breached.
A public Matrix server. Its just a never ending black-hole of ever increasing storage requirements and the software is too buggy to not become a maintenance hassle.
I do run a Synapse server for bridging purposes, so I am not just talking in theory.
And so damn easy to self-host in general. Ejabberd is batteries included down to offering stun/turn for audio/video calls, Erlang is just unrivaled when it comes to hot reloading so updates are effectively zero-downtime (unsurprising considering all the business critical environments it's deployed).
At first (and especially because I went with Matrix originally) I wouldn't think of self hosting all my instant messaging, but in retrospect, ejabberd is one of the easiest services I've got to maintain. I highly recommend everyone to give it a shot, especially to all the matrix refugees to whom it was a surprise/disappointment.
Backups. Cloud services like Backblaze B2 are so cheap for the durability they offer, it just doesn’t make sense for me to roll my own offsite solution with a Raspberry Pi at my parents’ house or something. Restic encrypts everything before it leaves my machine.
Password manager- it’s too important and it’s the thing that has to work for me to recover when I break something else. I’m happy to support Bitwarden with a few bucks a year.
Email- again, it’s mission critical and I have a habit of tinkering with things and breaking them. And it’s just no fun. The less I need to think about email, the happier I am.
That's what "1" in the "3-2-1" backup strategy stands for, a true offsite backup (preferably continent where you do not reside) For "2" I would still deploy a local offsite at someone's house for quick disaster recovery.
Downloading your 10TB data from B2 (or even requesting a tarball HDD from them) is costlier than recovering from an offsite backup facility within an hour's reach.
Re backups, to be clear it sounds like you're specific referring to offsite backups.
I run my own local backup server using syncthing for replication and restic for snapshotting, but I also send offsites to cloud storage (in my case gdrive).
I find it funny that a bunch of the simple basics are nowadays considered complicated. I've been doing my own mail and DNS for over two decades now, and don't see a reason for stopping. It is pretty low maintenance, and generally less headache than having someone else do it.
Standing up email might not be that hard... but it's much harder to ensure that your mail will actually be delivered successfully. Plus it's not a service you can typically afford to go down. Any emails you miss during that downtime are gone forever, whereas even if my Vaultwarden credential vault goes down I can access passwords from a device that has things cached at least while I fix things.
Plus the big providers just treat small mail servers with a lot more skepticism than they did 20 years ago.
Email was one I figured I would get an answer for. I know plenty of people do it, but I’m not sure if I’d trust myself to do it right.
The paid offsite backups just seem like a good idea. Some might have the ability to also self-host that, whether it be in a friend/family members home, but if that isn’t an option, paying for a service could save your ass some day.
Email was one I figured I would get an answer for. I know plenty of people do it, but I’m not sure if I’d trust myself to do it right.
It's not even about doing it right. It's a PITA to manage when big players can just decide to block your server and then you'll be jumping trough hoops with Microsofts spam filtering program and whatnot just go get your messages trough. It's got very little to do if you've managed things right on your end, random issues with delivery just pop out of the thin air and it's your job to monitor it, swear by your mothers name to the big players that you'll play nicely and hope that their robotic overlords are satisfied with your time and effort.
And if you host email for anyone else it gets exponentially worse. I've been doing it long enough that apparently my server has a reputation now so those cases aren't as frequent as they used to, but they still pop up now and then and it takes time to figure it out with no other reward than the issue goes away, until it returns without any way to really know why.
Minecraft. When I started out it was fine but when I began to get regular visitors I got DDOSed for days on end and people poking me for ssh access. Never again.
I tried getting a music setup to work, but I couldn't find a good solution for generated playlists with new song recommendations. The self-hosted music service just can't add songs it doesn't have yet, so it's not really feasible. Plus I still have a very cheap YouTube Music subscription from the GPM days.
You can use Lidarr to subscribe to artists’ new album/singles. But you’d still need to have a workflow to add new artists every now and then to incorporate them into your library.
I want to be able to pick a song and say "give me a playlist of similar songs I don't know yet", and have that play immediately. That's just not something a self-hosted setup can do. :/
I don’t self-host Nextcloud. I have a cheap cloud instance running it and it’s essentially my off-site backup for important documents. I don’t put just anything up there but I live in New Orleans so I feel like I should assume my home server won’t necessarily be online when I most need insurance documents and shit like that.
It largely is, but yesterday the Recognize app broke and I have no idea how to fix it. I think the environment got messed up from an apt-get upgrade? Its little things like that I have to figure out how to fix
Nothing really. I'm comfortable hosting mail, chat, my passwords and important documents.
Hosting personal/important data for other people is a bit intimidating because you kind of guarantee for safety and availability.
And services that are likely to be misused for illegal stuff and would be too bothersome. Otherwise i might host an anonymous spam eating email-forwarder, maybe a tor exit-node and a forum where adults can practise free speech. But that kind of stuff just attracts the wrong kind of idiots.
I did this for a couple of years and it became such a major hassle I just closed my server and told everyone to go get their own subscriptions. 30 terra-bytes of data deleted!!
I was the same way for a while, but the last few years have just gotten worse and worse for streaming. I have a handful of streaming services I don't have to pay to access (some through phone provider, prime video, parents accounts, etc), but anything not on there I'm just going to pirate. I use sonarr/radarr with Plex so it's super easy to get and maintain media and it's easy to access on all my devices, and my 4 tb hdd was $100, which I more than made up for after 4 months or so by not paying for hbo max and Netflix. No way in hell I'm going to pay for every streaming service for every show that looks good, or buy them individually.
Mail server, but mostly because deliverability in this day and age is a nightmare. If you're some one off running your own mail server in 2023 be prepared to deal with many headaches around IP reputation.
If something happens to me, or I pass away, wifey has instructions on shutting everything down (probably should write instructions on how to save all the important stuff).
But I don't want to deal with other peoples stuff. I like tinkering with my server and different docker containers, etc. So I don't want someone complaining they can't access their photos because I wanted to try something new. Also, just don't wanna be responsible for storing their photos and important documents.
@Tinnitus E-mail because of all reasons mentioned here.
Tor exit node because I don't want to have legal problems.
Mastodon or similar fedi instance because of its resources requirements and usage.
In the early days it was cloud and mail, since Mailcow works really good, it's just the cloud. Because nextcloud is too much hassle, all this php stuff... I have a managed nextcloud at hetzner and I am really happy this is something I haven't to worry about.
I check ocis from time to time, if it is usable the same way, I would selfhost my cloud again. NC on selfhost? Only if they do the same steps ocis already made. Because ocis is a simple single binary without php.