A reminder that anyone can drop rocks in a road or path. These take time to remove, and if they just push them aside, they can be put in the road again.
they do if you delude the meaning of what a Fascists is. in that way we can all be Fascists because it does not mean anything anymore. and who do you think that helps. that's what happens when you play with the meaning of words they become meaningless.
yes of course that is very smurt because doing this makes people take that very seriously. how does it feel to help nazis make that word have no impact anymore.
Did you not see Musk do a fucking Sieg Heil on live TV last week and go on tour to shake hands with his fellow NeoNazis in Germany??
Have you missed the part where Trump said he fully planned on being a dictator? How about the 900-page manual where his lackeys described in detail how to do it?