The biggest problem is that people aren't paying attention to the news at all, and get their "news" via social media. The informed populace went for Harris
I worked in local news from 2000-2008 and plenty of us in News Production were making clear that we had to move away from Over-the-Air distribution to digital distribution.
Like when NASA came nearby to test lunar rovers and our reporters said "isn't that outside of our coverage area?" Still photos of the rover would go on to be the top story on for over a week, drawing hits from all over the planet who wanted to see it. That could have been our tiny stations traffic if we had sufficient video of the event.
As she prepared her daughter for college, Anne Sweeney insisted that a television be among the dorm room accessories.
“Mom, you don’t understand. I don’t need it,” her 19-year-old responded, saying she could watch whatever she wanted on her computer, at no charge.
That flustered Ms. Sweeney, who happens to be the president of the Disney-ABC Television Group.
“You’re going to have a television if I have to nail it to your wall,” she told her daughter, according to comments she made at a Reuters event this week. “You have to have one.”
A year after me and my coworkers had been screaming from the bottom of the rungs that "Hey, we're gonna be cooked if we don't change how we distribute news now!" the president of Disney-ABC Television was threatening to nail a television to her child's wall and talked about that at an industry event like it wasn't backwards and stupid.
It was backwards and stupid and that attitude dominated the traditional news industry until probably about 2015 when Facebook started eating their lunch and dictating where the voters went. Facebooks "pivot to video" happened in 2015, and that killed a lot of small publishers. Facebook should have been put out of business, but instead they got a paltry fine and changed the media landscape forever.
The traditional news industry did this to themselves.
It’s totally possible to be well-informed from news on social media but it requires effort and a high degree of media literacy, which the vast majority of people don’t have.
Imagine believing that the "news" is more informative than social media.
I would argue the exact opposite. People who get news from social media are far more informed about issues like the ongoing genocide in palestine, than those who are indoctrinated by the phony narratives of capitalist/imperialist media. Ofc brainwashed NPR listeners and NYTimes readers are going to believe in kamalacaust. That's the actual problem.
Also that graph doesn't actually show anything about what "news" is being "consumed" or how the study was done, etc. It's probably just more lib BS.
We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
-Karl Rove
I hate to say it, but listen to Karl Rove. We have to do way more than just study what these people do after the fact with "rational takedowns of their delusions." Our rational takedowns have done fuck-all in ten years. We're fighting a misinformation war, and information like this, while true, doesn't sell or speak to the fucking jabroni brownshirts that back Trump.
We're way way way way way way way way past being able to just reason a third of the country back into being decent people.
Like we're watching Project 2025 in Shock and Awe action. Maybe we should have done more about that before he was President again, yeah? Instead of waiting to write rational takedowns after they've already succeeded.
Years ago I had a coworker fall down the online rabbit hole of denying the moon landing happened. I told him that in college I used the astronomy department's large telescope to look at the moon landing site myself, so I could guarantee that the landing actually happened. He knew me and trusted me, so he believed what I told him and stopped trusting the online conspiracists.
Of course you can't actually see the moon landing site through a telescope. I was lying. My lie countered their lie, so my friend believed the truth. The left needs to understand how this works and use it. The average person will believe an easily understood lie over a complicated truth.
We need to tell people fossil fuels cause autism. We need to tell people the covid vaccine makes it so aliens can't track you. We need to tell people that Trump is secretly sending out ICE to confiscate all guns from American citizens.
Just like we always needed to fight Republicans breaking the law to fuck everyone with breaking the law right back to fuck them. They always accused the left of doing it anyway, why not fucking just do it then?
Like Merrick Fucking Garland should have never been given the AG position as a consolation prize. Too much trying to gladhand these fuckers who are literally stabbing you in the back every time you shake their hand.
You're a hundred percent correct. It's a misinformation war, not an information war.