maybe when you donate to your instance, you can get some, or when you have x amount of upvotes, or when you have cake day (whe call it like that, right?)
I would think it would have to be an update to the client (App/Webpage) and server (database) code so yes, update to the codebase.
For the client side, the app/webpage would need to be update to display awards in the UI. And the server would need to store the awards, content award is associated with, user info etc.
I was thinking of an idea similar to Reddit awards to help fund instances.
We already have that on our instance. It's a tiny step to also have discourse-style achievements, but I really need some ui devs to help me actually display the damn things natively 😅
sure, but i liked that awarded comments got highlighted. and they even added another layer of funny sometimes.
and i thought they might encourage people to be more active. but yeah, my upvote proposel doesn't seem to be very smart as pointed out.
Hmmh. I believe the main reason why we don't have them is that the main developers didn't like gamification. So they skipped all of that. And they don't view this platform as a 1:1 clone of Reddit. And I mean ultimately all these awards and similar concepts on Discord etc are meant to make the users spend money. Other things are made to get people hooked, because they can brag with karma, awards etc and they'll spend more time on the platform. That's all good if you're trying to make lots of money, but not necessarily healthy for the users or the atmosphere on the platform. But it's complicated. Not everything is bad, either.
I'd like emoji reactions for example. That'd be practically the same thing... You could - instead of just up-/downvote, add a picture reaction to a comment or post - could be a medal or whatever. Some other Fediverse platforms have that kind of stuff.
(And btw: Lots of people here also donate time to moderate, foster communities, write program code, donate to the project, or are just particularly nice to people, so it needs to factor in lots of other things as well, next to money donations to the instance admins.)
I think its fine if its based off server donations and not limited like discord, like you donate that month or whatever way for the awards and you using it substitiuges an upvote in that community or server, for platforms without awards or ppl who have it turned off they should just see it as an upvote.
the reddit way of buying awards and giving to comments alongside upvotes sucks imo, its just a fancier paid for upvote it should be shown like that, it doesnt mean anything more than a normal comment