That's been absolutely painful for me when interacting with them. They have thousands of years of history on their own land. They never felt the existential threat that we have. It makes it hard to explain to them that I would consider it impossible to ally with the people who champion our ongoing genocide, and I would really struggle with a resolution that didn't involve the dissolution of the colonial states.
Eggs also have to be laid and many have to be protected and nurtured. An egg hatching alone is just a meal for a predator.
The boot of the fascists is coming down before anyone even has a chance to form any real movement. This is no different than boomers telling kids to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" or saying to refugees " they should just fight to make their own country better."
It's easy to write a fun little proverb and tell people, with no community, no coordination, with any attempt at coordinating an invitation to get murdered by fascists, to "just do a revolution." With what? With who? Most communists in the US are on in a single city while surrounded with psychopaths that literally fantasize about torturing communists to death.
The core argument that you can't impose communism from outside is solid. The drive ultimately has to come from within, but I completely agree that nascent movements do need support to flourish.
It’s easy to write a fun little proverb and tell people, with no community, no coordination, with any attempt at coordinating an invitation to get murdered by fascists, to “just do a revolution.”
Well it's even harder for another country to try overthrow the US so I don't see how China can save Americans from America itself.
When the fox is in the henhouse, the new life is only a meal that knew for a brief moment the experience of life before it was violently ripped away.
Also, read Lenin, there's a reason the fascists are still consolidating power in Germany, Europe and US to this day. The crack came from within and the new life was a terror on the world
If a pigeon is keeping the egg warm and there is a crack from the inside, he/she will also start to crack the egg from the outside to help the little squab.
"let the movement build internally"
A more appropriate description in using the egg scenario is, "the pigeons were eaten by a fox a long time ago and the eggs are left to rot or get eaten by rats." lol.
As it is, we can't nurture ourselves when there's nothing to guide us. There's a bunch of rats sitting at the top of this nest and the second one of those " eggs" so much as shakes it's over.
The literal best we can hope for is just to survive long enough for the US to balkanize and/or get destabilized/destroyed by outside forces.