Hello! I recently faced an issue trying to upload big file to Android tablet. It doesn't detect with MTP so I tried to push it via ADB. But I get this error:
Would be my go-to as well. I'm using x-plore file manager on my phone to start an ftp server, and then push files via filezilla from my computer. Easy, and compatible with every OS out there.
Yeah but sometimes stuff like this works even if it seems to make no sense. If both of your devices are on the same wifi, maybe you can just use something to transfer it using that like KDE Connect. If you don't want to install anything, you could even try using SSH.
How old is this phone? My guess is corruption at hardware level.
If you can shell into it and have dd or something, try to write a simple file to e.g dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/testfile bs=1MB count=200 If that fails when directly on the device, you can rule out network issues.
You can also try downloading a file from the web that's about the size of your file or serving your file on the local WLAN with python3 -m http.server and accessing it on your phone. Just to see what happens.