It may be obvious to some, but this is a fake tweet and the only post today is some early bird pricing for a conference:
Other than the Nvidia stock price, the joke is that the contents of the tweet were something the Intel CEO did tweet after a similar stock plunge!
154 0 ReplyJust for the context, they lost 16% yesterday, which is one day after the prayer, which tells you about the efficacy of those
95 8 Replythis is not a prayer. it's copy/paste of a verse
9 0 ReplyIt’s a joke tweet making fun of the Intel CEO fwiw.
3 0 ReplyThoughts and prayers I guess
2 1 ReplyWdym? It stopped it from dropping further
1 1 Reply
I have to say it...
X is not a valid name for anything, and will never fit grammatically as a proper name. It doesn't matter how long somebody insists on using it.
75 1 ReplyYeah that's why it's a common variable name and it's partly because its a common variable name
20 1 Replyit took til this comment to make me realize it wasn't "NVIDIA X" like that was a product
13 0 Reply
It's a valid name for the chemical accidentally used by Prof Utonium to create the powerpuff girls.
8 0 ReplyThat's "Chemical X" which is fine.
4 0 Reply
Then explain "X, a Jesus". He did some cool miracles and shit.
1 0 Reply
- ✅ AI
- ✅ Religious
- 🚫 Red scanning visual sensors
- ✅ AI
- ✅ Religious
- ✅ Red scanning visual sensors
They're only one step away, people, and I'm not even sure about the 🚫 on red scanning visual sensors.
62 1 ReplyNot all Cylons have the scanner. Some are sexy:
29 0 Replyspoiler
10 1 Replyi have no idea what cyclon or scanner is, but man sure is dope
4 0 ReplySo say we all. Rawr
3 0 ReplyI thought that was Josh Gates at first.
3 0 Reply
nvidia twitter account*
38 2 ReplyHoooly shit, what?
24 2 ReplyIt’s fake, and a joke, but based on a real tweet the Intel CEO made when their stock crashed too.
18 0 ReplyAaaah ok.
2 0 Reply
Today we mourn, tomorrow we moon. Buy the dip at 11:59 PM.
21 0 ReplyAnd then Trump implements tariffs on Taiwan and it craters again.
11 0 ReplyNo way, tarriff only for west taiwan.
1 0 Reply
Nobody tell Elon Musk about ComStar because he'll use stuff like this to Kickstart Word of Blake
12 2 ReplyWobbies are bad news, people. Everyone gets nuked or murdered by cyborgs.
4 0 ReplyCan we at least get cool mechs? Or will reality continue being this shitty dystopia with nearly all of the bad and none of the cool?
2 0 Reply
bought the dip yesterday, i'm currently up 5.25% on Nvidia
8 2 ReplyBased
And free market pilled
4 3 Reply
Is NVIDIA praying on the shitter?
5 0 ReplyGet in line, Nvidia
4 0 ReplyAnd have not a whit of concern for that thornbush directly in front of you
1 0 ReplyNvidia is just describing the type of processing that GPUs do.
3 2 ReplyOh are they starting to introduce machine spirits and how to appease them with the proper litany?
3 0 Reply
this is fucking hysterical
3 5 Reply