I did not. I did my damnedest in order to try and inform everybody who was around me. I try to help bring up all of the aspects and all of the problems. Our biggest failure is all those who didn't even vote. Not those who did but those who couldn't even be assed to get off of theirs and go out and fill out the form. But let me Tell you what this administration did Nazi coming.... My unadulterated ass now being even more bold and happy just telling them to fuck off. Might as well start feeding them the same bullshit they've been doing to us for the last eight years. I am now refusing to do absolutely anything involved with anything that they want done I am going to drag my dick on everything and anything I might construe as being helpful to their cause. I'm going to removed and moan as loudly as possible . I'm going to be the most cantankerous pain in the ass that anybody has ever come across.
That orange fuck can get stuffed should have stayed in oompa loompa land maybe And I'm just saying maybe lighten up on the amount of tanning cream that he's using or at least tell his apprentices they need to slow up cuz we all know Mr tiny hands is incapable of squeezing the fucking bottle himself. Don't want to accidentally use too much energy might be construed as exercise and that might actually physically kill him God damn medical oddity. How can somebody eat that poorly and do literally nothing and still be walking around.
The biggest failure was the Democrats who nominated Biden in 2020. That primary was the last offramp that could have avoided a fascist takeover, either in 2024 or 2028, with Trump or a Trump clone.
The return of Trump might just have bought us another shot in 2028, but it's not looking like the Democrats have learned much. Trump has a lot of similarities to Hoover and, as bad a President as he was, he was great for Democrats and progressivism. If the Democrats can get their heads out of their asses, the Trump Presidency might open a path to save the country - assuming we survive it.
The thing about Hillary's loss against Trump was that it should have shocked the Democratic party into reform. The way they manipulated to get Biden and "anyone but Bernie" proved that they learned nothing.
The fact that the Justice Department gave him enough time to tour around the country whining and crying, spreading his stolen election lies before they charged him is what won Trump the election. It's almost like they were in on it.
If Trump were in prison it would be someone else. Trump didn't start this fascist movement, he surfed it. Trump is a uniquely detestable person, but he's not the worst President the Republican party could come up with.
Nah, it takes time to build up a cult of personality. What Republican could step into that role and stay in the news in the same way? Schwarzenegger? He can't be your president, name literally one other person.
Against Biden or Harris? I think you're overestimating how hard they were to beat. Another Republican might not win the popular vote but, unlike Democrats, Republicans don't need a mandate to get things done.
That's an unfair question. It's just too easy to nitpick reasons why this candidate or that could never win. Just look at the list of very convincing reasons why Trump could never win. Most Democrats even believed most of them before Hillary flopped.
Nikki Haley would probably be their best choice, though I could see Marco Rubio or Lindsey Graham. Hell, Matt Gates could probably win. He's no more horrific than Trump.
Yeah maybe Haley. All of those people did have a major failure on one point, they decided to punch up at some point. Trump doesn't punch up, he insinuates he's an equal to people he perceives to be more powerful than him. He'll fondle the balls so he can reap the benefits of that power.
For all of Trumps numerous flaws, he does have a type of charisma that no other Republican has. Trump manages to attract more people than just another Republican ghoul could. I honestly think without Trump we'd have had a much easier time winning.
Thanks Hillary and the DNC for signalboosting this piece of shit because you thought he was an easy opponent to beat...
We can put that on the Democrat's tombstone, for all the good it will do.
Most voters are woefully ignorant. That's nothing new. It has always been that way. The job of the politician is to reach voters. One party does this effectively and one doesn't. The Republican message ends up being the only message ignorant voters are aware of, and they live in a different reality from political junkies.
This doesn't excuse the voters but, if "voters suck" is all we get from it, then what do we do with that information? How does that help us win next time?Blaming voters is a loser strategy.
The fact that you think Democrats and Republicans are two seperate competing parties is laughable. As if the Democrats did all this by mistake to give tax cuts for their corporate overlords.
We haven't had any agency in this for a long time. The two parties run the show on behalf of our billionaire owners.
I'm almost hopeful, in a perverse, accelerationist sort of way... Trump might break this country badly enough to force a "renegotiation of the social contract".
One party fought tooth and nail to get cheaper healthcare for the vulnerable. I was one of them in my 20s. That same party regularly votes in favor of the middle and lower classes and doesn't take our rights away. Reduces prescription drug prices. Bans medical debt from showing up on credit reports. Forgives student loans.
Americans chose to give total power to the party that does the opposite.
Not. The. Same.
We can have a better future and inch towards things like universal healthcare by electing the only party that can be influenced. We're actively choosing not to.
Ah yes, the "both are the same" trope. Remember when Biden threatened to invade Sweden? I think it was the day Hunter Biden was working as secretary of commerce.
Yeah, that's the problem. The Republicans are being influenced by rich assholes and Democrats are too busy blaming the voters for their failure to listen to them.
Well, that's democracy. The fact that Donald Trump, famous dumbass, got even 20% of the vote would be embarrassing, but he actually won the election. Twice. As a convicted criminal (once).
I had pity the first time, but this one is totally on you guys. This time I'm here to browse /r/leopardsAteMyFace and I brought popcorn.