SpongeBob meme stating: "I fucking love orbweavers / I want to fucking stare at them as they sit in their web and do nothing" inspired by my friends sending me orbweavers that I have adore
Bonus pic of a friend's wild caught Orbweaver that they've been rehabbing indoors after they watched it get stung by a wasp caught in its web on their back porch:
No, thank you! I love any opportunity to share spood info, and orbweavers are amazing! The fact that they use their webs as giant ear drums (no seriously, watch the videos!) blew me away when I saw it.
And there's so much I learned about spiders growing up that's just plain wrong but still repeated, it's exciting never knowing what new thing you'll learn (or old misconception you'll UNlearn) when you start looking into spiders and their behaviors.
OK I better shut up and leave before someone asks me about jumping spiders.
i was once tripping on acid and noticed a pretty little spider in my garden, idk if it's an orbweaver, but little man was certainly enjoying the flies that were attracted to my body heat lmao