He was not allowed to enter switzerland because Fedpol feared that he calls for violence and actively promotes Hamas (which Switzerland considers a terror organisation). As he crossed the border anyway, he got arrested and deported.
You can’t enter a country without a visa and wonder why you get arrested…
If that's the conclusion you've arrived at after reading nazi-friendly content, then you're probably a nazi too.
Ali Abunimah was born and raised in the U.S., so we can safely assume he possesses the U.S. citizenship and passport. What does Switzerland's official immigration website have to say about U.S. citizens? Oh yeah, that's right, you get full-on red carpet drawn for you:
And if the state designates an organization as a terrorist group, then that's that right? We can just throw away our critical thinking (assuming we had any in the first place) and let the state known for rubbing elbows with nazis do the thinking for us, right? Piss off with that racist bullshit.
Note that while entering the Schengen area does not require a visa for USA citizens, you do have to get a visa waiver which is subject to limitations. See this document.
I have not enough knowledge about him to say if it was reasonable to not let him in, but his post on X seemed to celebrate destruction and murder.
I think it is in the manner of “better safe than sorry” it is reasonable to not give this man a visa. And I very much hope that a person celebrating Israel’s attacks would neither.
Reminder: Palestine was liberated once before from the Crusaders and not by convincing the European invaders of human rights or any other value but through force.
No one should be delusional that a western colonial project backed by western powers will someday recognize the humanity of Palestinians. The only principle that the west understands is might makes right. That is the principle they have applied towards colonized peoples. Everything they say above human rights is a thin veneer over that brutal truth.
100%. They are so delusional that 48,000+ innocent deaths are meaning nothing, but their argument starts from October 7th. When Palestinians have been facing this for 75 years.
I come to your house, steal your stuff, tell you to fuj off. Obviously, you’re gonna fight back. Seems like minds in the West are so full of hatred towards Muslims, Arabs, and brown people that they’ve lost their humanity.
If you're talking about October 7, Hamas was restrained beyond belief, given that they have the right to resist their occupiers and torturers by any means necessary.