I found Moccassin years ago, can't really remeber how, that's the only album they ever made (to my knowledge), it's from 2006 and it's amazing. I'd say it's psychedelic rock as genre, and the whole album is very interesting.
ASG is another band who, in my opinion, has a lot of hidden gem. It's a stoner rock/metal band, and while their faster/heavier tracks are good, I find these two giving me chills everytime I listen to them
Cuntry Boner - Puscifer (2008?). This was a silly side project from the frontman of Tool (Maynard James Keenan). Maybe not a "gem" but it definitely is hidden and the song pops into my head roughly once per week.
Puscifer is still around and is currently the most active of his projects. This song is an outlier in the discography.
The latest full studio album Existential Reckoning is fantastic, check it out! Actually I think I'm going to put it on right now as I get ready for work :)
I believe Dredg are an alt rock band but they are hard to describe. Some tracks are more like math rock (not this one) and others are more like straight indie. This is probably their catchiest track.
Trippin Like I Do - Blackfeet Braves (2011). They changed their name to Mystic Rabbit for releasing their first album but I don't think they ever found mainstream success. This is a really good 60s revival band. I think their first LP as Mystic Braves suffered from being over-produced but their older stuff as Blackfeet Braves is all sensational.
An excellent song that I first came upon downloading a demo album from download.com back in the day when they hosted music albums. I can't find anything about this song online anymore except for this YouTube upload and in my personal mp3 archives. If you know more about it, I'd love to hear it!
Maybe 'gem' is a bit of an overstatement (depending on your level of musical snobbery 😋) but I stumbled across this song/artist through Spotify at one point and ended up really digging it/them. They have another song I'd give honorable mention to as well, 'Freaky Freaky' I think is the name.
These certainly aren't what I'd call 'masterpieces' or anything, but they're fun songs I enjoyed and you might too if you can listen without thinking about it all too hard
I’ve been slightly obsessed by Love Endeavour (Maurice Fulton Remix) by Alice Smith from 2014, Golden Fool by Gnome (and indeed the whole album), and Cabin Fever by Slomosa (and indeed almost everything they’ve done), both released last year
I like this little known gem called Anthropocene by Samsa, I like the message of how even tho we fucked the planet up, we can still do stupid shit together.
A rough sounding Canadian band that has disbanded, but actually had a documentary made about their second album creation process. Saw them live once and they were great.
Default by Atoms for Peace. I was recently reminded of how good that song is, hadn’t listened for years 😃 (am a big Radiohead fan, but tend to forget side projects)
The Gits are one of the best bands to come out of Seattle in the early 90s. I feel like they could have been up there with the greats if their lead singer Mia Zapata wasn't murdered.
This song in particularl is a perfect example of how awesome they were. It has that early 90s Seattle grunge sound but with a more punk edge. They never officially recorded this song and this live recording wasn't officially released until 2000.
It's always hard to gauge, with Bruce (obviously not an unknown but, also, lots of people who've only casually listened to him, if even that), but this one's a live performance for a track that doesn't get a lot of radio play.
Also a great example of his early storytelling work and great use of violins, to boot. The whole original album is a classic but this one's great as a one-shot.