FIFA is worse, are you kidding? Obviously, demonstrably worse. When in doubt, err on the side of the company that takes bribes from corrupt governments to decide where their event will be, so that government enrich its corrupt members by building a football stadium using literal slaves.
It isn't worth all the flashy graphics and cinematic flair, play a game with modding support that can actually grow (and then not be abruptly shutdown with no warning).
Check out Operation Harsh Doorstop the free and quickly growing tactical shooter with large maps, vehicles and already functioning mod support with mods that do everything up to tweak the basic gunplay to feel more like COD. Want to just go fly a heli around a giant island for casual fun and ignore the shooty bits? go for it!
OHD is themed like a modern tactical shooter, but the main developer is laser focused on making an accessible platform for people to make the next awesome big map (with vehicles) shooter on (or who knows what kind of game it will be? Rocket league came out of UT2004 buggies being used in custom gamemodes as one example...).
Also check out Easy Red 2 the superb, crossplatform WW2 shooter with a plethora of period accurate vehicles (including planes which are a blast) and scenarios that usually get ignored. $9 is highway robbery for this game. AI is great too, you can do stuff like drive a halftrack up to an objective and easily order troops to dismount and attack. Gunplay in this game feels great, so does supporting the dev who seems very devoted to the game and adding lots of historical detail that an EA boardroom would laugh their asses at for the dev putting so much effort into things that don't necessarily make the trailer look cooler.
Eh I tried it but it's rather shit imo: sbmm rampant, guns have 0 recoil and smgs are effective on full auto till 200m, vehicles feel like plastic toys and accelerate way too quickly.
I tried all 3 beta alpha test and it was unplayable on my PC. Not to mention always active kernel anticheat (from what Ive read it's terrible) from a Chinese gacha company. Big shame because it looks fun.