I am in awe of this movie. It is horrible. I've seen a lot of bad movies in my time, but I am absolutely shocked by this one. This dude had absolutely no self-awareness, nor must he have had accepted any criticism. There is no saving grace for this absolute trainwreck of an entity that we can only call "film" in the strictest sense, because it was recorded on 35mm film. The creation of the film itself has more artistic value than the movie that was inflicted upon it.
I'm gonna watch it again tomorrow with the Rifftrax commentary.
Often called the "Citizen Kane of bad films" due to both its cult status as the best bad movie of all time and to the remarkably layered depth of the badness, The Room is a 2003 dark drama indie film written by, produced by, directed by, and starring Tommy Wiseau – an enigmatic eastern European man who originally wrote the film as a play and a book and took inspiration from his favorite classics like A Streetcar Named Desire, Rebel Without a Cause, Citizen Kane, and The Guns of Navarone. Imagine if you took a film that was so truly, earnestly, passionately trying to live among those movies solely for a love of the medium and yet failed completely at emulating every single aspect of them, and you have The Room. I seriously can't recommend it enough; there's not a single movie I can say that I've watched 8 times and would happily watch again except this one.