Can’t spell threads without ads.
18 0 Reply🏅
2 0 Reply
Of course it is, META = cancer
12 0 ReplyRemember when people were insisting Threads federation was not gonna be that bad?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
9 1 ReplyThey couldn’t even wait 2 years before turning it into an ad-infested shithole
7 0 ReplyThis is gonna suck for the 3 threads users.
6 0 ReplyWow! Who saw that coming??!
Raises hand
News headline! deetedeeetedeeet I still have never used it and have no intention to. Deeteteeeeeet.
6 0 ReplyI stopped using Facebook products in 2020. Get with the past and ditch that shit.
5 0 Reply😱
4 0 ReplyDang, that sucks
2 0 Reply
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