Don't forget deport immigrants (arguably increasing food costs). BIL sent me an article about 400+ illegals getting deported Tuesday night or something. Weird, I thought there were hundreds of thousands of them. They could only get that many? "The majority were criminals" Aight, cool. Keep those resources going and start processing the years and years of rape kits left waiting for testing. Start getting those citizens too, champ. Or are we only after the brown criminals? Hmm....
Well, dear leader said gas is gunna be cheap so you can drive to the grocery store and look longingly at the food you can no longer afford to buy and see the empty shelves of cheap eggs. Good thing, since you will need the extra money you will save by not buying food to pay more taxes so the rich won't have to.
Nobody in the US knows how marginal rates and progressive tax brackets work, you can sell the fools on anything and just blame the IRS because it’s the most convenient incarnation of what people hate.
It's by design.. the same group of people think that tarriffs are paid by foreign companies. Keeping voters ignorant is a key part of their strategy. Remember that trump once said "I love the poorly educated"
Educate the next generation. My kids demonize taxes based off a short video but then get a quick education. Taxes aren't the devil, the rich dudes who aren't paying their share are causing your burden to be higher. Billionaires aren't always the enemy, but look at Amazon wages and it's an easy way to show them that hoarded wealth generally comes from keeping others down. It takes a bit longer, but elders are the only entity that can counter the bullshit they're being fed.
You do not get to even 1 billion without causing massive indirect harm to a shitload of people. No one, no one, every, has put in enough to "earn" 1 billion. The vast majority of people will work their entire lives and be lucky to have a gross total income of a few million. Thats Gross, not worth or wealth, thats, "I took money in and spent it to live."
I would argue anyone worth much over 10 million is in the same harm causing boat as billionaires.
The problem with taxing the super rich is that their weath isn't in the form of taxable income, it's mostly in the form of stock, and doesn't become cash until it is sold. Selling stock, especially if the CEO is the selling lots of stock, causes the value of the stock to decrease, so they don't like to sell it at all. What billionaires do to pay for their day to day expenses is to take out loans, using their stock as collateral on that loan. No bank is going to deny a loan backed by Tesla stock, or space-x stock.. that's guaranteed interest for them with basically no risk. The value of the stock them increases over time, more than the interest payments do, and then they pay it back, coming out financially better than they were when they took out the loan. The only way that billionaires could really be taxed is if the government was to tax them on the value of all stock that is held at the start of the tax year, and not just when it is sold. Some countries do this, I don't think (?) the USA does.
If you look at "breakdown of tax propoals by category" note that it doesn't account for inflation, for example giving a reduction to everyone for tax cuts. But in the real world, that's not how it works. Tax cuts that are paid for with deficit spending like these are essentially zero-sum because the price of everything will have to increase to account for spending power. So in other words, it's even worse for everyone but the 1% than indicated.
This is just peak brainworm. What does someone making nearly a million dollars a year even do with an extra 7k?? Make their scroodge McDuck vault a little deeper? Doesn't matter how deep it is, you still can't dive into it like a pool. Idiots.
To be honest, if you're able to make a million a year (even hundreds of thousands a year), you can afford an accountant who will tell you not to take compensation as employment income.
If you're a business owner you'll be taking a significant share as dividends, or if you're an executive you'll be taking stock options or other share based compensation. If done correctly, you can not only take advantage of lower tax rates but also defer taxes to future years.
but at least now baby jesus will stop shedding tears because transgenders and intersex people can now be labeled with their correct biblical gender
that will make the poor religious folks happy at least, right? they don't need grocerries, baby jesus is happy the transgenders are suffering! delicious!
I don't think I can afford to prop up the wealthy any more than I already am doing now. Guess I'll need to get a fourth job to help pay off Musk and company tax relief.
Is there a source on this? Not that I don't believe it, I'm sure this is exactly what's going to happen, but if I bring it up in conversation saying "I saw it in a meme" will deflate the argument.
Ugh, I hate it when people provide evidence for their claims! When someone tells me that Haitians are eating dogs, I just believe them if the conversation is casual enough
You're getting down voted cuz you're rude but honestly yeah. If someone asks you in person for a source you just say, yes I have a source it's the Trump tax plan that he announced. It's not a secret
I don't think we know anything yet for real. I believe they included the costs of the tarrifs into everyday Americans taxes, because they are taxes after all... But Madam President changes the percent on tarrifs and to whom every time they talk, so unless someone actually writes something down, we'll never know anything concete. It is concrete that they are no longer a man though.
The last two times I’ve been to Costco they’ve been out of eggs. One of these days I’m expecting the Cash & Carry to be out of eggs too. Then the Rosaures, the Safeway, and the mini mart too. Just think of the savings in not buying any eggs at all!
“You get bird flu! You get bird flu! Bird flu for everyone!”