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JWZ: "I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux. "I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux.

There are people out there apparently seriously proposing to spend over thirty million dollars, and an uncountable amount of labor, to adversarially interoperate with Blue Sky. Blue Sky has thus far duped the stenographers of the tech media that it is an "open" protocol that will interoperate "some ...

"I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux.

It's Cory. This time the guy holding court is Cory.

BTW, the Kickstarter for Pixelfed and Loops, the actually-open, ActivityPub based clones of Instagram and TikTok, just hit $35,000 in its first 13 hours. The creator of Mastodon just ceded control to a new non-profit. That's how you do it. By spending money to build free things for the public interest out in the open, not by tithing your money, labor and attention directly to VC-funded for-profit corporations.

For those who don’t know jwz, among other things, you have him to thank for Firefox/Mozilla’s existence.