She seems like a good person who was misled by Trump if she has a moral compass like that.
Remember, a lot of those people were there because they were told that democracy was being undermined and the election was fraudulent. If that were actually the case, they might have been justified. But they only listed to the “facts” given by Trump instead of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It seems being sat down in court and shown the facts changed her mind. Which is not something you expect from someone in the MAGA cult.
Which is not something you expect from someone in the MAGA cult.
Agreed up to here.
Tons, if not most, Trump voters are just in a toxic information environment, and would not support him if (for instance) they were sat down in a court and showed facts.
Rupert Murdoch and Sinclair Broadcast Group won the propaganda game. Trump is a useful tool for them, he gives them operational control over tax, budget and regulatory policy. Murdoch has been laying ground for this since the Reagan administration.
I've asked many of these people point blank about policies relating to gender, minorities, and many other black and white topics, and 100% of the time they roll with the bigoted preference.
I have no doubt that most of them are victims of propaganda and echo chambers, but I feel most already had deep ingrained views that they are now comfortable sharing because their hateful rhetoric has been wildly accepted. I do acknowledge that for a good chunk of those people, they were raised in that environment and never left, so it's more difficult to completely trash them, but in the digital environment where information spreads and the side of electricity, it tough to excuse any bigotry.
I do think if most of them were forced to think critically and explain their views, that they wouldn't actually support Trump, but critical thinking is kind of the problem.
It basically boils down to, "if they had had entirely different experiences and had learned different things then they wouldn't be like this! We just need to change everything about them!"
Most of them are lost. I have given up because they simply do not want to be good people. They are not looking to make the MORAL choice. They want to win.
That's it. They would even take us just losing more than they do.
Or she is such a deep delusional abyss that she prefers staying in prison (my ignorance for not reading the story first) .... keeping her charges and becoming a martyr for her movement.
So you crossed out the part about her staying in prison but didn't bother to re-evaluate the rest of your comment when she denounced Trump and everyone who stormed the Capitol multiple times?'s a hollow gesture and a martyr for a lost cause. She already paid her fines and did the time. The pardon doesn't do anything for her. She's still a felon.
its just not right what trump is doing with these jan 6 pardons hes just gonna let all those people off scot free and you know who gets screwed people like me who actually did their time i should be compensated financially
and i had to earn my freedom the hard way while others get a free pass just because i posted about it on facebook and got arrested the day after but other people who didnt do their time yet get to just walk free well i say thats not fair