I'm using a new M3 MBP at work and it literally brought my compile time from 20+ minutes on a pretty beefy Windows machine down to about 6 minutes. Based on that alone, it's hard to imagine using anything else for serious dev work at this point.
Having said that, there's a lot of goofy Apple fuckery going on too. Multi-monitor support is limited to two displays, so if you want more than that you're stuck with an expensive third-party dock and DisplayLink drivers, which cause color artifacting in high motion like you'd expect from a heavily compressed video, which leads to eye strain. Mouse support is terrible without a third party app to fix the goofy scroll wheel acceleration curve they've built in, and even buying first-party peripherals doesn't solve it. I need a third party app just to prevent Mac OS from opening iTunes every time I connect a Bluetooth headset... So many little dumb things to deal with.