Mr. Spock On A Stamp: Adam Schiff Urges U.S. Postal Service To Honor Leonard Nimoy
Mr. Spock On A Stamp: Adam Schiff Urges U.S. Postal Service To Honor Leonard Nimoy
Mr. Spock On A Stamp: Adam Schiff Urges U.S. Postal Service To Honor Leonard Nimoy
reddig33 Do all of the trek crew. I’d love an Uhura stamp with Nichelle Nichols.
27 0 ReplyStillPaisleyCat
Canada Post has already done it for all the TOS crew, and the 90s captains, the ships.
Even the Borg had their own Canadian stamp.
Troi was on a recent stamp for the UK Royal Mail.
6 0 ReplyNewEnglandRedshirt
They won't do it for living people, so they wouldn't be able to honor the whole cast that way at this time
6 2 ReplySpaceNoodle Nichelle died a year ago yesterday
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UltraMagnus0001 her, william shatner and the creator were trailblazers that in a way helped to normalize things
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TIEPilot Only if they use a screen capture from the Bilbo Baggins music video...
9 1 ReplyGuy Dudeman
I'm really glad people are focusing on the important issues these days.
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