Bribin Olymbics
Bribin Olymbics
What happen when Olymbics come? More or less traffic? More or less prices? More or less people?
sil Didn’t we all get the day off the last time a big event was in town? G20? How about they do the same again and we can all go to bribie?
2 0 Replycccc Potentially a flare up in housing crisis because some leases might be ended for a bit at that Airbnb cherry if it’s not banned by then.
2 0 Replyanathema_device
@Griffchang 'Bribin'? Really? :(
It will all be horrible and I want to run away. Hate the olympic crap in its entirety
1 0 ReplyKwikxilver I think it's going to suck. The city is going to collapse under the weight of it all - roads jammed, public transport breaking down. Call me a disaster monger but if something drastic isn't done to the make the city better connected it's done for.
1 0 ReplyWhatASave More traffic, more people, maybe more prices. But lots of other infrastructure built alongside it (hopefully)
1 0 Reply