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What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

For me it's first person puzzle games. I can think of maybe a dozen off the top of my head that came out in the last decade. I especially enjoy when they're open world. The ability to just quit a puzzle that's stumped you and go try something else for a little bit is incredibly refreshing.

  • Sim games. Not THE sims but like SimTower, SimAnt, etc. There's been some attempts over the years but everyones missed the mark.

  • Old Bioware stuff, aka action RPG games that put importance to story, lore, companions, and my not-so-guilty pleasure: romance.

    I have a lot of emotions about the upcoming DA: Dreadwold.

    • You might like the game tyranny. Just finished playing it and it was quite enjoyable.

    • You and me both friend, they know how much is at stake, yet I never hear good news coming out of the studio

    • Absolutely, I would still play DA:O and even the storylines of SWTOR over some other games that bloat the main story with unnecessary parts because otherwise the game is not long enough.

      Please DA: Dreadwolf, do not suck.

  • First-person shooters, the way they were made in the 6th and 7th gens. A campaign, probably co-op, probably with split-screen or LAN, with some versus multiplayer that repurposed some slightly-remixed locations from the campaign that you can play with approximately 4-8 players. That's all you need. Sometimes we still get some great FPS campaigns, like Half-Life: Alyx, but I haven't really gotten the kind of co-op or versus multiplayer I've been looking for for over a decade. Not everything needs to be a live service. It can be a flash in the pan multiplayer that's so good that you break it out when you have a few friends over or in a Discord call. Not every multiplayer FPS needs to be an e-sport with an online population of tens of thousands of players to matchmake with in ranked.

    I also don't really get racing games for me anymore. Star Wars: Episode One Racer, Burnout Revenge, and F-Zero GX truly spoke to me, and there were a few others that were close, but for the most part, if your racing game isn't basically Mario Kart or full of real licensed cars in real places, it doesn't get made. And the ones that aren't Mario Kart don't usually get split-screen multiplayer either, which is a must-have for me. I did get Trail Out in the recent past, which is very good, and there's that game Aero GPX on the horizon to potentially give me my F-Zero fix, but the actual racing games I'm looking for are so few and far between.

    Fortunately, this list used to be much longer, and all the other holdouts, like Advance Wars-esque tactics games, Resident Evil 1-esque survival horror games, Commandos-esque stealth tactics games, and a few others have all gotten their itches scratched.

  • The tribes series, or z-axis games, where you are able to move up and down as well as the traditional x-y movement you see in virtually all games. Usually set as shooters, they are fast paced movement games that have a huge skill curve which is why they aren't made that often. Super fun when you get the hang of it though


  • Sandbox MMORPGs, like Eve Online or Ultima Online. The vast majority of MMORPGs since at least WoW (potentially even before that with games like Dark Ages of Camelot, etc) have been Theme Park MMOs. Which are fun; I've played plenty and still do play them. But I think the sandbox is more fun. Certainly has more possibilites.

    • Outlands is breathing some new life into UO.

      • Oh yeah? I haven't played UO since 2003/2004, and I've largely stayed away from the free shards. Just had boring experiences in the past. But I might give this a try. Idk why, but I've been itching to check it out again. thanks!

  • I love this thread, so many people are recommending games to each other. Nice to see.

    My answer is games like Skyrim where it's a sandbox but you can pick up different quests. I know there's a proper name for them but it escapes me.

    I know there's GTA which is a similar type but I want a more twee fantasy vibe

    • Open world RPG? They are probably the most common single player AAA experience released these days. Bethesda does work in a bit of "immersive sim" qualities to their games though, which is often what makes them feel so sand-boxy.

  • Action sports games like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, 1080, Wave Race, Steep, and more. I mentioned Steep because it's the latest mainstream attempt but I feel like it never really found it's footing.

  • Basically Telltale games. I include first Life is Strange in that because they managed to out-Telltale the Telltale. I love my games basically as an interactive story.

    Edit: Also Heroes of Might & Magic. I want more good ones, 6 & 7 sucked tremendously.