Someone once asked a Republican what he thought about a shooting in a Queer bar, he responded "thats horrible, I hear a Muslim did it. Those dirty savages will never integrate with western values".
So the person responded "oh so do you care about queer people now?", he responded "of course not, they harm womens rights".
So the person responded "oh so do you support womens rights now?", he responded "of course not, I think the rights of children should take precedence".
So he responded "oh so do you care about the children now?", he responded "of course not, they're leaches on society. I only support hardworking Americans".
So he responded "Oh so do you support workers rights now?", he responded "of course not, workers today are lazy, I support only the good religious Jewish and Christian workers"
So he responded "Oh so do you support Jewish people now?", he responded "Of course not, I hear they're extremely Islamaphobic"
So he responded "Oh so do you support Muslim people now?", he responded "of course not, I hear one of them shot up a queer bar"
65,000,000 eligible voters don't vote. Should have fought harder to get those butts off the couch to vote than just "but Trump". If you don't excite the base, they're not going to go out and vote.
Biden hopefully will be the last "must secure the center" democrat. The winner in American elections is the one that has their base turn out more. If you do things to appease the center at the expense of the base, expect to loose.
I feel like if we were in a horror movie, and I told you Michael Myers was coming to kill us, you would have just sat there telling me you're tired and I need a reason for you to get up beyond "but Michael"
Maybe this needed to happen as a matter of karma and punishment, for complacency and stupidity.
Its just a sin others have to suffer for morons who dont know any better.
That's pretty rich coming from you, yo. How much time and how many posts did you spend dragging Biden and Harris during election season to have a surprised Pikachu reaction? I bet there's a number with at least 2 zeros you are PERSONALLY responsible for dissuading from going to the ballot box.
Maybe the options arent exciting, but they weren't both coming to drink your milkshake.
Edit: And by the way FUCK YOU for all of that. I would block you, but I'd rather see you scramble and post about "how do I stop fascism" and so on knowing you have ABSOLUTELY shit the bed for defending your own interests. I don't wish suffering on anyone, but God dammit I hope your reality has or will get checked. As a cis white straight upper middle class dude none of this affects me at all, and I have spent two years fighting and losing sleep for your shit and what happens to everyone else. I have a lot of sympathy, but not one bit for you.
I don't think it's fair to attribute his winning the election on people that didn't vote for Kamala. Young white men came out in droves voting for him - we cannot underestimate the political results of figures like Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, and Ben Shapiro and the kind of rhetoric they're able to spread.
Young people overall still went for Harris by the largest margin of any age group. The story is overwhelmingly one about turnout. The overall turnout was down 3% and the drop happened mostly in demographic groups that lean Democratic.
Congrats to all the "democrats can do no wrong, so please ignore Biden's ongoing genocide" who seriously thought they could get Arab Americans in Dearborn to vote for a man carrying out genocide against their brothers and sisters.
Sure... definitely NOTHING wrong with the democratic strategy. All of our problems are because people simply didn't vote correctly.
I don't think anyone was saying they could do no wrong, they were just saying if you think America's support for Isreal was bad under the Democrates, just wait and see how much worse it'll be under Trump. Basically anywhere an non-maga someone was critical of how the democrats were doing things, the GOP's plans were further removed from what those particular people wanted.
So yeah, seems like they voted wrong in that case.
They'd have to shoot me before I will ever deny my own womanhood. Not even with a gun to my head would I call myself a man. I lived in a closet for 18 years and it nearly killed me. It damaged me in ways I have to live with forever. I am a woman. They can say whatever the fuck they want it won't change that. I will not bow my head. If it comes to it, I'll die with my back straight, proud of who I am.
You have a lot of allies who feel similarly about being forced to be cruel to people we love and care about. Let's live through these terrible times with our humanity intact.
Be strong. This harassment is a smokescreen to hide their own weaknesses. 2026 is our chance to reset Congress and mitigate the damage until that asshat leaves. Maybe we’ll even get lucky and he’ll croak early.
Proud of you, but seriously, be careful? Emigrate to a country where people are treated like humans, perhaps? You might even be able to request asylum.
Just don't get yourself killed because some psycho said something stupid
Same sister, I'll happily die a woman if the alternative is living as a man. Gender affirming care is the reason I didn't have to make that choice, and I may have to decide again...
You and me! I'm also gay and there's no way they'll ever step over me like that. We've suffered way too much collectively to lie down at their feet. It's time to fight back--again!
Because it very clearly does affect trans women? So either you're not paying attention or you're denying trans women their womanhood. Either way, downvote.
Awfully reminiscent of the trouble the NASDAP had trying to draw the line between Jews and non-Jews. It made them look like fucking idiots, and I hope to hell history treats the GOP the same way.
whats next, an executive order stating black people are only 3/5th of a white person? c02 isnt rising in volume in the atmosphere? that he isnt a literal hitler wannabe?
You're making jokes, but yes. This is a man that drew on a map with a sharpie to change the course of a hurricane. There's nothing stopping him from blatantly lying about the reality that is right in front of our faces.
Even ignoring socially constructed gender identities, in the case of biological sexes, this is scientifically wrong. The world doesn’t fit into neat little boxes like these people think it does
nah that's not you flying. I don't know why people say it like that in English but that's just riding on a plane. same as riding a horse doesn't mean the person is galloping.
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.
I literally have to wonder if my NC Birth Certificate (updated to reflect my Gender Affirming Care) will still be valid or if I'll get a letter saying they found an "Error" and "corrected it"
I have to worry about the Government turning my boyfriend into a homosexual by declaring me a man, how the fuck do we even get here?
Just ignore the outrage machine and focus on what things you can do to help. The outrage is only to make you tired. Sue when you must, support businesses, organizations, and politicians you agree with financially, vote in every election, don't add to any problem, and ignore Trump and his minions to the best extent you can.
The term is "intersex" (which covers a broad range of sex variation including "true hermaphroditism" though the term hermaphrodite is considered offensive when applied to a human). Typically intersex people are assigned either male or female at birth. If they are born with ambiguous genitalia, they are given surgery as infants to make them match their assigned sex (which has many negative side effects such as scarring, sterility, pain during urination/sex, and gender dysphoria). They may also be forced onto hormones to make them go through the "correct" puberty. Conservatives are generally in support of this practice, and laws that have been passed against trans healthcare have contained exceptions to allow for nonconsensual procedures on intersex children
assess what type of DEI programs are still discriminating against Americans
The official said it was “very fitting” that the order was announced on Martin Luther King Jr. Day because “this is order is meant to return to the promise and the hope, captured by civil rights champions, that one day all Americans can be treated on the basis of their character, not by the color of their skin.”
I don't think I can handle four more years of this brain bending insanity. I've tried to understand where people are coming from. I've been of the belief that most of us are good people and want the same things. But trying to unpack the thoughts and whims of POTUS on a daily basis is just going to break my brain. I work at a computer all day so I'm not sure how I'm going to prevent myself from encountering this circus. I'm weighing the choice of living in blissful ignorance or in utter despair.
For over eight yers, my heart has hurt because of the sheer stupidity and ignorance taking control of this country. I am not seeing any signs of improvement. On the contrary, it seems very apparent that it's getting worse.
It's not even radical anymore.
It's more radical to just let them keep raping and pillaging our society. It's a clear class war and we better wake the fuck up before it's over.
Radicalize this person to post against every trump competitor for being insufficient until 2028, then, realizing the competitors aren't going to win, start asking how to survive 2029 to 2032? Bulletproof.
these fascist dipshits are everything they claim to hate. we are expected to just accept "their truth" when all of the evidence suggests otherwise, so pathetic.
Reminds me of some state laws that have been voted for, and sometimes even enacted, that defined PI as three (or worse, even 4). Just because an uneducated jokel in the White House signed a piece of paper, scientific reality won't just bend to his wishes.
What's next? Will he declare Ohms law illegal? Forbid gravity?
Pretty sure this is the year I'll finally lose my mind. Last night was absolute chaos trying to keep up with the EOs.. I am tired. While these get caught up in courts and fought against, they're going to happen regardless in the interim. So many people are going to be impacted, negatively. The rage...
What happened to conservatives? What happened to "my rights end where yours begin". This shit is asinine, absolute trash.
The trans folks I know are the most joyful, positive people I know. They do not deserve to be stripped of their joy and identity. The next 2 years I suspect will be a long, hard road.
Lol. It's gonna be a lot longer than that. We're entering a period of American decline that will likely last for a generation. Remember, the majority of voting Americans voted for this. That problem doesn't just go away.
Wait, you're telling me Republicans (Trump Party) are focusing on hurting minorities via a culture war instead of passing meaningful legislation to help struggling Americans?
The fact that I've been witnessing them do this for my entire lifetime didn't prepare me for this.
So why exactly are we focusing on LGBTQ+ peoples here? Obviously they are equally deserving of protections just like everyone else, but This appears to read like we're getting rid of DEI hiring practices entirely. Seems like something that would affect all protected groups. And arguably, racial minorities are a much larger group of people that are going to be hurt by this. Focusing on the gender binary thing really feels like distraction from the wider implications this has.
And the companies immediately coming out saying they're ending their DEI practices before Trump was even in office really shows you how performative their adherance to the law really was. It really perfectly demonstates why we need these laws in the first place when companies are this eager to be openly against anti-discrimination.
Reading the orders, the gender one is much more impactful.
Canceling DEI programs cancels those programs, which just isn't that impactful. Maybe it slows or reverse progress on equality at the population level. But an individual is not going to notice a difference (unless they were explicitly working in administering it). Further, those DEI programs were only for federal agencies, which are going to have a much bigger culture shift from the coming idealougical and loyalty purge. Minorities are still protected by strong anti discrimination laws and the 14th amendment.
The anti trans order, in contrast, declares that trans people don't exist. And the entirety of the federal government must act accordingly. This will have a direct effect on every openly trans person in the country. Further, the legal protections trans people have are based entirely on an interpretation of gender discrimination laws that the current Supreme Court seems unlikely to endorse; and which Trump has directed the Attorney General to not follow.