The GOP is ginning up hate because they need a target, an "other". They don't have a real platform to move forward, it's all just "no".
They ran out of steam on gay hate in the past 15-years so now they're aiming for the smallest bit of LGBT. Trans people are already afraid to come out, they're certainly not going to take to the streets.
And what's it cost Republicans? 1-in-1000 votes? They've done the math and hate gets more votes than it loses.
Exactly. Whatever happened to people thinking a lifestyle is weird and then moving on? No, not enough anymore, got to legislate people they've never meant into misery. It's pathetic and insane.
Or better yet, buy from Punk with a Camera if you hate Amazon like I do. They have two versions. One like OP's (Chaos Marine) or T45 Fallout Power Armor
The Ruinous Powers don't care and have plenty of xenos followers (plus they're literally just interdimensional xenos according to, you know, the Emperor, and he's kind of right)
The Traitor Legions just kept their Imperial biases but they're not the Ruinous Powers themselves.