Just for my personal pride, I would like to state that the father of my children was the first american druid in diablo to clear abattoir of zir and ended that season as best in the USA. He was also ranking in Polytopia, and beat Felix himself at the game. I did observe these things with my own eyes. There are other witnesses who can verify this. That is all.
Elon Musk trying to make himself out to be a god gamer is such a lose/lose situation; the people who care are also the ones who are going to be the quickest to call him out on his bullshit and other people either don't care or make the logical conclusion that the time expenditure required would be prohibitive for his supposed job of CEO of multiple companies. It's just such a hilarious self-own.
Also, a reminder that Musk was a junior programmer on two of the worst Sega CD games.
holy fuck those comments. are all these people huffing CO2?
I get the some streamers looked at @elonmusk's gameplay and it looks like a shared account, maybe with his kids or something, and it seems unlikely he's made all that PoE2 progress on his own.
But has he actually said something about his play of PoE2 that is contradicted by this? Do we have an actual quote from him that would be a lie if their assessment of his on stream PoE2 gameplay is accurate?
The critics who leap to assuming he's not (or was not) a good (pro-level) gamer in general are making a huge leap with their "gotcha" moment.
uhm if you’d just look at the facts and ignore everything musk said and ignore the other times he was caught cheating, it’s perfectly reasonable that an extremely busy businessman like daddy musk would just have his 6 year old son play this extremely difficult game at a top level and then repeatedly claim his son’s accomplishments as his own. and by the transitive property that makes musk a pro-level gamer! QED woke critics or as professional quake players like musk and I say: lol zerg rush gg
and it looks like a shared account, maybe with his kids or something,
The idea that his kids would like to spend time with him in any capacity, much less sharing an account with a 50 yo dude who has already proven can't build a character for shit is laughable at best
How is the richest man in the world, the future head of a government department with the ear of the president-elect of the United States, such a cringe loser that the most redeeming thing his ex can say about him to protect her pride is that he's kinda good at a couple of videogames?
She's damning him by faint praise so hard she's basically catching strays from her own attempt at defending herself.
There is also so much wrong with this, first his Poe2 playthrough makes any statements he makes about diablo weird. (dragging gear to inventory instead of just picking it up with a closed inventory (or prob using something like ctrl/shift (right) click, I only played up to d3) is so fucking weird even my mom wouldn't do it). Then, assuming there is no ladder which tracks region, dungeon and class used (I looked and first clears seem to be tracked via youtube, at least that was what a search showed me), there is a ladder for cleartime however (and Musk was high on that one for one dungeon (abusing bug (still counts of course, but bug usage should be disclosed for Gamer Honour!)).
So they (or more likely he did to try and impress his manic pixie dreams of facism girl) made up a whole category for him to be first in which is such a scrub move. (Otoh, channeling the silly speedrunner tomatoangus (the g is silent), making up your own categories for your own enjoyment is fine, take care of your mental health, and remember no feeling is final, feelings of dread, hopelessness or despair do not define the rest of your life).
I also assume that Felix is the person who made Polytopia, beating the creator at their own game is a fun thing to do, but usually not mega impressive, as developers rarely reach the skillceilings in their own games. (or the game could just be random enough).
What is also funny is what she doesn't mention. She actually beat him at Polytopia via an epic anime betrayal, which caused him to throw a massive fit (source also note as above that getting mad over this is massive scrub behaviour, and throwing a fit over this is not something I expect of people out of their teens/early twenties).
oh man I've been thinking about posting that polytopia article in the stubstack because it's the funniest musk related content I've seen. now I think it deserves a thread
The continued polytopia mentions just keep reminding me of this take from Dave Karpf. Like, he's not talking about incredibly deep games here (no offense to the people who love them) and in the context of him trying to take on the reigns of Presidentissimo or whatever all the arguing and doubting about his gamer cred is obscuring the arguments over how weird this is to try and focus on. Like, if he was trying to claim he was a Go all-star or something that would be one thing. Even Chess has tradition behind it, even if it's actual utility for learning more general strategic thinking is more questionable. But Polytopia and Diablo? Really? If we did start apportioning political power to whoever can execute a basic strategy while clicking as fast as possible I think we'd all be bowing down to God-Emperor Flash or something.
Anyways, even if we put my unearned strategy gaming elitism aside this is such a dumb argument to be having in the first place and I don't know that I can forgive Elon for making it part of the problem.
Every serious political candidate should prove they can build an 100 SPM (at least!) base in Factorio and keep it running for some time before I even consider putting them in office, that's just basic management skills
That he clamps onto fps/arpgs/easy to play tbs games and not a thing like factorio is also something. Hell you expect him, or Bezos to be hype for dyson sphere generator, but nope.
If we did start apportioning political power to whoever can execute a basic strategy while clicking as fast as possible I think we’d all be bowing down to God-Emperor Flash or something.
Misread that and thought the joke was about bowing down to people who are good with Adobe Flash.
Admittedly, being good with Adobe Flash would be more impressive than being good at a video game - at the bare minimum, it implies you've got some art skills.
In case anyone else comes here to say this: amongst many other things, this shit is funny. Even out of context: someone defending their choice of ex by saying they were good at gaming is already funny. Ladling all the other layers of context only makes it more and more farcical.
It is also funny that the general hate Musk for a fraud people are now teaming up with the Gamers due to a shared dislike for Musk. He truly is the great unifier.
its actually extremely emotionally upsetting. i took a box of chicken nuggies out of the freezer and just started crying and punching the box over and over. i trusted you elon