Studies reveal how risky play can benefit child development. But encouraging it can be a challenge for parents.
From the article:
Risky play is associated with greater resilience, self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills such as cooperation, negotiation and empathy, according to studies by Sandseter and others. When a study in Leuven, Belgium, gave four- and six-year-olds just two hours a week of opportunities for risky play over the course of three months, their risk-assessment skills improved compared with those of children in a control group2. In this study, the risky play took place at school, in a gym class and in the classroom.
Why not just kick kids off their parents health insurance and then jack prices up on children's healthcare to the point that all play is risky play for a child because at any moment an injury on the playground could put them in life destroying debt?
It saves money vs more complex solutions AND better prepares kids for the world their parents are gifting them.