If all you need is to see if you likely have it (without an official diagnosis), you can search for ASRSv1.1. Answer the questions brutally truthfully. Again, it's not a diagnosis, but it'll tell you if you likely have it.
I would love to go back to that and be a healthy weight again, but being forced to eat at scheduled times due to pressure from family and social scheduling means I end up eating too much over the course of the day even if I'm not hungry.
He ate a full ass portion of sweet and sour chicken rice and vegetables. And a brownie. And a cheesey roll up. And drank all the chocolate milk we had.
The kid is as thin as I was at his age, the biggest difference is that he has two parents that also both have ADHD so they get it, and also get that getting that food eaten is what's most important.
Try smoking/vaping weed every day. Eventually you get your tolerance to the point where the anti-munchies kick in, i.e. you won't be able to eat if you don't smoke. Great for weight loss.
Unfortunately you won't be able to sleep, either, but that's why you simply partake shortly before bed and then fall asleep before you get hungry.
True... but it's not really intentional or desired for some of us. Like, I WANT to put on weight (especially fat), but unless I set timers or am incredibly conscious that I need to eat, time just zips by, and I end up eating as described in the post. When I super focus on it (meal prep, shakes, etc), it starts to become a major point of anxiety in my life, and my relationship with food starts to get kind of toxic. I'm alive, healthy, and all that, but this kind of thing is very different than intentional fasting or dieting.
Can we please stop pathologizing every little quirk? There is no one way to eat. Just because you're accustomed to the idea of 3 square meals in a day doesn't mean that deviation from that pattern is wrong. Different cultures approach meals, meal sizes, and meal times in different ways. How is that any different than an individual eating by their own schedule?
But when you get down to it, this isn't even about food. If there's any pathological component to this scenario, it would be the inability to keep track of time and/or sensory differences that don't trigger sensations (such as hunger) in the same way as neurotypicals. Which we're already well aware of. Having an unusual eating schedule is just one way that these differences manifest.
I like to say we're part of indigo - it's a color that's underrated, overshadowed by more "standard" colors, and often misunderstood or misidentified.
Also, once you get an eye for identifying indigo, you start to spot it more easily. Just as learning more about one's own autism can lead to one recognizing traits in their family or friends.
For breakfast I can get a whole socially acceptable meal by pouring milk over cereal, and then I can wash up by running it under a tap. I’m not missing an opportunity like that.
Happened today for the first time in a while. I was too busy with other stuff and then realized around 6pm that I was really hungry and oh I hadn't ate yet today.
I only do it because I grew up poor and was forced to eat everything put on my plate, because to waste it was basically a sin greater than murder. As you can imagine, that's a trait that doesn't work well as an adult, and it's incredibly hard to break.
My mother is like that. She's not fat but will compulsively eat because of it even if she's full. My grandparents beat that into her and you can see the trauma. :/
DAE rotate between The One Meal and I Am a Grazing Gazelle? Some days I just have the one big meal and nothing else; other days I just eat crackers and fruit and cheese all day.
Same. No breakfast, no lunch, no appetite. But when I get back home from work, it's basically one long grazing period until it's time to go to bed. A few baby carrots here, a few chips there, maybe a sandwich or a salad. The only times I have an actual, full "meal" are when I'm having a sit-down meal with others, like going out to dinner.
I am also somewhat surprised - I didn't realize this was an AuDHD trait. I love discovering new things from this community.
That's just the Caveman Diet. I'm neither autistic nor have ADHD and that's been my food method for decades. No breakfast, sandwich at lunch, banquet in the evening.
i’ve recently been started doing One Meals a little differently. i now get a big pan and add in basically every kind of food i should be eating throughout the day (fruits, vegetables, eggs, tofu, etc.) and cook it with a bit of oil and seasoning. i then add a bunch of spicy stuff to mask the taste, and sometimes add in yogurt to make it last longer and undo some of the spicy. i can then just scoop this into a bowl and heat it up in the microwave anytime during the day when i get hungry. it’s still One Meal, but it now lasts upwards of 3 days and i nibble away at it as needed.
Binge eating in the evening is awful for you. If you forget to eat frequently then switch to having a heavy breakfast so those calories are available to your body through the day.
Basically, your metabolism and caloric needs are highest in the middle of the day, eating heavy meals in the evening means a lot of that food is converted into body fats and processed while you sleep which impairs your rest. Also, instead of being available as easily accessed calories when you're active the body needs to convert that energy from fats which generally causes more sluggishness and lower activity during the day. It's a good idea to eat before (but not right before) you're active.